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Created October 31, 2013 14:21
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In preparation for an international backpacking trip, I updated my travel checklist. Below is a list of things to pack, prepare and keep in mind while traveling.
## Equipment
### Hygiene
* Razor(s)
* Earplugs
* Eye Mask
* Baby Powder
* Chap Stick
* Antacid
* Headlamp
* Tweezers
* Needle and Thread
* Nail Clippers
* Vaseline
* Bandages
* Eye Drops
* Sunblock
* Water Tablets
* Hand Mirror
* Medication
* Contact Lens
* Contact Lens Solution
* Eye Drops
* Pepto Bismol
* Vitamins (Mutli, C)
* Q-Tips
* Soap
### Clothes
* All my usual clothes
* Hiking Shoes (already broken in)
* Wool Socks
* Long Flannel Pans or Sweats for night time
* Long Sleeve Shirt
* Washable Underwear
* Hat
### Misc
* Luggage Identification Tag(s)
* Luggage Lock
* Locker Lock
* Laungry Bag
* Travel Sheet
* Money Belt
* Sandwich Bags
* Multi Purpose Tool (Leatherman)
* Sunglasses
* Bug Repelent (DEET)
* Zip Lock Bags
* Headphones
* Sunglasses
* Charger cables
## Preparations
### Home
* Store sensitive documents and valuables in safe deposit box prior to leaving.
* Ensure all sensitive data stored on media or computers in your home is on an encrypted volume.
* Make backup of any data in your home store it in secure location (Dropbox, safe deposit box, etc).
* Put hold on mail.
* Ensure all bills are setup for automatic payment. Pre-Pay any bills where this is not available.
### Communications
* If your primary email account does not support it, Setup an email account with a provider that offers two factor authentication and one time passwords (Gmail, etc).
* Keep one time passwords printed in your wallet and luggage to use on insecure computers.
* Don\\'t trust shared computers. Assume anytime you type a password into an unkown computer it has been captured.
* Install a password manager (1Password, etc) on your laptop or smart phone. Use it to store any password you may need on your trip.
### Phone
* Setup any remote disabling functionality available. Keep the password to access this site in a place where it can accessed if you phone is lost or stolen (iCloud, etc).
* Make a list of all accounts that will need to be disabled, access to revoke, and passwords to changed if it is lost.
* Ensure all devices have passwords enabled (when supported). Enable password on specific applications when available (Dropbox, etc.).
* When supported, ensure the device will be erased upon multiple failed password attempts.
* Download music, podcasts and books prior to leaving.
* Uploads photos periodically. Leverage a cloud storage service (Dropbox, iCloud).
### Laptop
* If carrying a laptop, ensure all volumes are encrypted.
### Electronics
* Only buy devices that can accept 120 or 240 volt electricity. This allows you to only carry an outlet adapter and not sorry about voltage conversion.
### Financial
* Order an inactivated debit or credit card. Store it in your luggage. This can be activated in an emergency.
* Call credit card companies to authorize purchases from the countries you will visit.
* Decide if you need any travel insurance.
* Keep $100 and a copy of your passport in your wallet to use for routine transaction. Store everything else in a money belt only to be accessed when in a safe location.
## Documents
* Scan your passport, drivers license, visas, immunization records, airline tickets and reservations. Email them to yourself or store it online (Dropbox, etc).
* Carry a printed copy of your passport, store the original in your money belt.
## Mindset
* Minimize the items of value which you carry.
* Think about the "what ifs". What if my cell phone is stolen? What if I lose all my money? How can I get access to my accounts?
* Do not carry any unnecessary documents, keeping track of too much can lead to loosing that which is valuable.
* Never escalate a situation.
* When in an unknown place, you are in a position of weakness. Protect yourself by being prepared before hand.
* Western Unions are available everywhere around the world if you are ever in a pinch for money.
* Hotels are generally safe places to conduct transactions and organize valuables, if you are in one that feels otherwise, relocate.
* Remember, the world is generally safe and welcoming.
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