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Last active March 3, 2025 00:59
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  • Save webbertakken/b5413d9a8bcb3644974d719393179b74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My terminal prompt configuration for
# Get editor completions based on the config schema
"$schema" = ''
# Notes #
# This config assumes you have a Nerd Font installed and enabled in your terminal.
# I use 'FiraCode Nerd Font Mono', but you should be able to use any Nerd Font you like.
# Settings #
# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts
add_newline = true
# Maximum time it may take to produce the prompt
command_timeout = 3000
# Webber's colours #
# Bright pink: (bg:#D1005B fg:#23000F)
# Middle pink, bright text: (bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)
# Middle pink, faded text: (bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C)
# Dark pink, regular text: (bg:#43001D fg:#C37093)
# Dark pink, highlighted: (bg:#43001D fg:#D1005B)
# Prompts #
# Right prompt. This is displayed on the right side of the terminal.
# Colours (i.e. bg and fg) are always listed from left to right.
# Note: Not supported in Powershell
# @see:
right_format = """
[](bg:transparent fg:#68032f)\
[](fg:#68032f bg:transparent)\
# Left prompt. This is displayed on the left side of the terminal.
# Colours (i.e. bg and fg) are always listed from left to right.
format = """
[](bg:#transparent fg:#d1005b)\
[](fg:#d1005b bg:#68032F)\
# Special sections #
# Exit code indicator
[character] # The name of the module we are configuring is 'character'
success_symbol = '[](bg:#68032F fg:#D1005B)[󱇫](bg:#D1005B fg:#23000F)[](fg:#D1005B bg:transparent)'
error_symbol = '[](bg:#68032F fg:#FF003E)[󱇫](bg:#FF003E fg:#300000)[](fg:#FF003E bg:transparent)'
format = '$symbol '
# cross-platform way to check if we are in a git repo, takes 200ms
when = ''' git rev-parse --git-dir ; test $? = False '''
format = '[ ](bg:#68032F)'
disabled = true
# Either `Administrator`, `root` or the current user's username.
show_always = true
style_user = "bg:#d1005b fg:#23000F"
style_root = "bg:#d1005b fg:#23000F"
format = '[ $user]($style)'
disabled = false
# Displays a symbol that represents the current operating system
style = "bg:#ff005d fg:black"
format = '[ $symbol]($style)'
disabled = true # This doesn't work in pwsh in Webstorm terminal.
# The current directory
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6"
format = "[ $path ]($style)"
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = "…/"
ssh_symbol = ""
symbol = "󰍛"
disabled = false
time_format = "%R" # Hour:Minute Format
style = "bg:#68032f"
format = '[$time]($style)'
# Version control #
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#43001D fg:#C37093" # fg:#d1005b
format = '[](fg:#68032F bg:#43001D)[ $symbol](bg:#43001D fg:#D1005B)[ $branch ]($style)'
format = '[\($state( $progress_current of $progress_total)\)]($style) '
cherry_pick = '[🍒 PICKING](bg:#43001D fg:bold red)'
rebase = '[ REBASING](bg:#43001D fg:bold green)'
merge = '[ MERGING](bg:#43001D fg:bold yellow)'
bisect = '[🔍 BISECTING](bg:#43001D fg:bold blue)'
am = '[AM](bg:#43001D fg:bold green)'
am_or_rebase = '[AM/REBASE](bg:#43001D fg:bold green)'
revert = '[󰕍 REVERTING](bg:#43001D fg:bold red)'
added_style = "bg:#43001D fg:#00FF00"
deleted_style = "bg:#43001D fg:#FF0000"
format = '([+$added ]($added_style))([-$deleted ]($deleted_style))'
disabled = false
style = "bg:#43001D fg:#8080ff"
conflicted = '=' # This branch has merge conflicts.
ahead = ''
behind = ''
diverged = '󱡷'
up_to_date = ''
untracked = '?'
stashed = ''
modified = ''
staged = ''
renamed = '»'
deleted = ''
format = '([($all_status )($ahead_behind )]($style))[](bg:#43001D fg:#68032F)'
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
# Contexts (canonical) #
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ (context) ]($style)'
format = 'is [$symbol$version]($style) '
symbol = '📦 '
version_format = 'v${raw}'
style = 'bold 208'
display_private = false
disabled = false
# Contexts #
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = "󰟔"
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#68032F fg:#D7748C"
format = '[$symbol](bg:#68032F fg:#F7BCD6)[ ($version) ]($style)'
# Other #
symbol = ""
Alpaquita = ""
Alpine = ""
AlmaLinux = ""
Amazon = ""
Android = ""
Arch = ""
Artix = ""
CentOS = ""
Debian = ""
DragonFly = ""
Emscripten = ""
EndeavourOS = ""
Fedora = ""
FreeBSD = ""
Garuda = "󰛓"
Gentoo = ""
HardenedBSD = "󰞌"
Illumos = "󰈸"
Kali = ""
Linux = ""
Mabox = ""
Macos = ""
Manjaro = ""
Mariner = ""
MidnightBSD = ""
Mint = ""
NetBSD = ""
NixOS = ""
OpenBSD = "󰈺"
openSUSE = ""
OracleLinux = "󰌷"
Pop = ""
Raspbian = ""
Redhat = ""
RedHatEnterprise = ""
RockyLinux = ""
Redox = "󰀘"
Solus = "󰠳"
SUSE = ""
Ubuntu = ""
Unknown = ""
Void = ""
Windows = "󰍲"
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This is my prompt config.
I use it in PowerShell, but it should work on any shell.

If you're using my config, would you mind starring it? 🙂

Also, I'd be happy to take feedback and iterate on this.

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hostmaster commented Feb 28, 2025

@webbertakken thank you for sharing. Just a nitpick s/pacakge/package/

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@hostmaster thank you very much! Fixed.

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