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Last active January 23, 2025 05:55
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.gitattributes for Unity projects
# Git attributes for Unity projects
# Compiled by the GameCI community under the MIT license -
# Latest version at
# Ensure that text files that any contributor introduces to the repository have their line endings normalized
* text=auto
# Increase probability of success for merging files with specific extensions
*.cs diff=csharp
# Macro attribute: Files with Unity's yaml format
# linguist-generated means the file is ignored for the repository's language statistics and diffs are hidden by default.
[attr]unity-yaml-file -text merge=unityyamlmerge linguist-generated
# Macro attribute: Files intended for LFS
[attr]lfs-file filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
# Unity files
*.asmdef unity-yaml-file -linguist-generated
*.anim unity-yaml-file
*.asset unity-yaml-file
*.brush unity-yaml-file
*.controller unity-yaml-file
*.flare unity-yaml-file
*.fontsettings unity-yaml-file
*.giparams unity-yaml-file
*.guiskin unity-yaml-file
*.mask unity-yaml-file
*.mat unity-yaml-file
*.meta unity-yaml-file
*.mixer unity-yaml-file
*.overrideController unity-yaml-file
*.physicMaterial unity-yaml-file
*.physicsMaterial2D unity-yaml-file
*.playable unity-yaml-file
*.prefab unity-yaml-file
*.preset unity-yaml-file
*.renderTexture unity-yaml-file
*.shadervariants unity-yaml-file
*.spriteatlas unity-yaml-file
*.terrainlayer unity-yaml-file
*.unity unity-yaml-file
# Unity binary files
*.bundle lfs-file
*.cubemap lfs-file
*.unitypackage lfs-file
# Unity specific assets
*-[Nn]av[Mm]esh.asset lfs-file
*-[Tt]errain.asset lfs-file
# Creative software
*.rns lfs-file
*.reason lfs-file
*.lxo lfs-file
*.exr lfs-file
# Documents
*.pdf lfs-file
# Image formats
*.afdesign lfs-file
*.afphoto lfs-file
*.ai lfs-file
*.bmp lfs-file
*.dds lfs-file
*.jpg lfs-file
*.gif lfs-file
*.iff lfs-file
*.pict lfs-file
*.png lfs-file
*.psd lfs-file
*.svg lfs-file
*.tga lfs-file
*.tiff lfs-file
*.webp lfs-file
# Audio formats
*.aif lfs-file
*.aiff lfs-file
*.it lfs-file
*.mod lfs-file
*.mp3 lfs-file
*.ogg lfs-file
*.s3m lfs-file
*.wav lfs-file
*.xm lfs-file
# Video formats
*.mov lfs-file
*.avi lfs-file
*.asf lfs-file
*.mpg lfs-file
*.mpeg lfs-file
*.mp4 lfs-file
# 3D formats
*.3ds lfs-file
*.3dm lfs-file
*.abc lfs-file
*.blend lfs-file
*.c4d lfs-file
*.dae lfs-file
*.dfx lfs-file
*.FBX lfs-file
*.fbx lfs-file
*.glb lfs-file
*.gltf lfs-file
*.lwo lfs-file
*.lwo2 lfs-file
*.lxo lfs-file
*.obj lfs-file
*.ma lfs-file
*.max lfs-file
*.mb lfs-file
# Font formats
*.ttf lfs-file
*.otf lfs-file
# Bundles and binaries
*.dll lfs-file
*.exe lfs-file
*.mdb lfs-file
*.pdb lfs-file
*.so lfs-file
# Packaging
*.zip lfs-file
*.7z lfs-file
*.gz lfs-file
*.rar lfs-file
*.tar lfs-file
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Please feel free to add a comment if you're missing anything here.

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Would it be useful to have *.cs text diff=csharp in there?

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Would it be useful to have *.cs text diff=csharp in there?

Yea I think it makes sense. I've added it. Thank you!

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Shouldn't line 17 be unityyamlmerge rather than unityamlmerge ?

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@JorisVanEijden, Oh wow what a miss hehe. Well spotted! I've updated the gist accordingly. Thank you!

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Might want to specify lfs for occlussion data. In my project, my OcclusionCullingData.asset file is 136MB for example which exceeds Github's 100MB limit for non lfs tracked files.

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Typo on line 15, Unities should be Unity's.

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@JosiahJack I've added both suggestions. Thank you!

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Added glTF, an open standard (ISO/IEC) for exchanging files between 3d software and engine software.

The .glf is the binary format. The .gltf is the (readable) text format.

*.glf lfs-file
*.gltf lfs-file

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Shouldn't the binary format be .glb? At least when exporting with Blender it is so.

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Nice catch. You are right.


I've updated the file accordingly.

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Why is the merge being unset on line 17. Is that a typo?

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@AndyUrquijo I believe it was indeed a typo. I've updated it.

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ash-dvlpr commented Jan 22, 2024

Some times TextMeshPro's font assets; <font_name>.asset can end up being too big.
Could a filter for assets inside a font/fonts folder be added?

Something like:

**/[Ff]ont*/**/*.asset lfs-file

(Ii'm not very versed on how the topic, so I don't know if any other attributes should be set)

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I am not very well know but I think *.asmdef unity-yaml-file -linguist-generated could be changed to *.asmdef unity-yaml-file in

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webbertakken commented Nov 26, 2024

@jorelosorio thank you very much for your comment! What you're suggesting would hide changes in assembly definition files in pull requests. Is that what you would argue should happen?

Rationale from my side: When I added it I thought it would be helpful to see changes in assembly definitions as they can easily break builds for other people locally or in CI - and therefor might be important to manually review.

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@webbertakken your rationale makes sense, thanks for the explanation.

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