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Created September 20, 2017 23:30
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Open issues on with the most stars (followers)
| nid | project | title | stars |
| 691078 | Token | Field tokens | 400 |
| 1464950 | Conditional Fields | Support for multiple "Field collection" and "Multifield" fields | 245 |
| 1349080 | Drupal core | node_access filters out accessible nodes when node is left joined | 244 |
| 1276450 | Drupal Commerce | Views results empty for unprivileged user when using Relationship: Content: Referenced Product | 239 |
| 1161314 | Conditional Fields | Fieldgroup support | 230 |
| 357082 | Views | Pull filter value from an argument? | 229 |
| 1170192 | Hierarchical Select | Port Hierarchical Select Taxonomy Views (for exposed filters in Views) to Drupal 7 | 223 |
| 1613424 | Drupal core | Allow a site to be installed from existing configuration | 195 |
| 1267966 | Pathauto | Pathauto patterns are not showing up | 181 |
| 297035 | FileField | HTTP error 0 | 179 |
| 2702061 | Drupal core ideas | Unify & simplify render & theme system: component-based rendering (enables pattern library, style guides, interface previews, client-side re-rendering) | 176 |
| 451234 | XML sitemap | Support for extended sitemap formats (e.g. video, news, image, mobile) | 174 |
| 953034 | Drupal core | [meta] Themes improperly check renderable arrays when determining visibility | 172 |
| 2406863 | Rules | "Cache rebuild lock hit" watchdog message, possible deadlock | 166 |
| 1356276 | Drupal core | Allow profiles to provide a base/parent profile and load them in the correct order | 166 |
| 2645250 | Drupal core | [META] Start using reactive declarative JS programming for some new core admin UIs | 165 |
| 1255674 | Drupal core | [meta] Make core maintainable | 161 |
| 905914 | Redirect | Merge global redirect functions into Redirect module | 159 |
| 1561272 | Conditional Fields | Conditionally required fields are not required | 150 |
| 434394 | ImageField | 'HTTP error 0 occurred' on image upload | 150 |
| 1103032 | Date | Re-Add Field Token Support | 149 |
| 1063434 | Field collection | Add Feeds integration to FieldCollection | 146 |
| 2786785 | Drupal core ideas | Media in Drupal 8 Initiative | 145 |
| 1612910 | Drupal core | [PP-1, policy, no patch] Switch to Semantic Versioning for Drupal contrib extensions (modules, themes, etc) | 144 |
| 1272560 | Entity API | Entity tokens duplicates field tokens created by token module | 143 |
| 2656548 | Drupal core | Fully support PHP 7.0 in Drupal 7 | 142 |
| 2061377 | Drupal core | Allow image style to be selected in Text Editor's image dialog (necessary for structured content) | 141 |
| 1545896 | Inline Entity Form | Add Entity Translation integration | 138 |
| 259308 | Date | Allow "fuzzy" granularity | 136 |
| 1382350 | Drupal core | [discussion] Theme/render system problems | 135 |
| 1170362 | Drupal core | Install profile is disabled for lots of different reasons and core doesn't allow for that | 135 |
| 1115704 | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) | Drupal 7 Status Updates | 135 |
| 2367319 | Drupal core | Implement automatic background updates for highly critical security issues | 127 |
| 2759849 | Drupal core ideas | Create a new user-facing core theme | 126 |
| 2461695 | Paragraphs | [META] Support translatable paragraph entity reference revision field | 126 |
| 777578 | Drupal core | Extend the entity access system with a new grants API (and deprecate the query-alter-based node grants API) | 121 |
| 474684 | Drupal core | Allow themes to declare dependencies on modules | 121 |
| 2574683 | Drupal 8 Contrib Porting Tracker | [webform] Webform | 119 |
| 1876168 | Date | Exposed grouped filter for date not working | 118 |
| 197786 | Drupal core | Some servers / browsers will cache pages even when header Cache-control: no-cache is set | 118 |
| 1927648 | Drupal core | [PP-2] Allow creation of file entities from binary data | 117 |
| 2645666 | Drupal core ideas | [policy, no patch] Require Node.js for Drupal 9 core and rewrite some of Drupal's UI code from PHP to JS | 116 |
| 550254 | Drupal core | Menu links are sometimes not properly re-parented | 116 |
| 1308152 | Drupal core | Add stream wrappers to access extension files | 115 |
| 1954348 | Views | Fields not available anymore in fields add (cache issue) | 114 |
| 2174633 | Drupal core | View output is not used for entityreference options | 113 |
| 736066 | Drupal core | ajax.js insert command sometimes wraps content in a div, potentially producing invalid HTML and other bugs | 113 |
| 229568 | Drupal core ideas | Pathauto in Core | 112 |
| 1699378 | Drupal core | Dynamic Views Arguments via Tokens | 110 |
| 560324 | Content Profile | Content profile: Create upgrade path to profile2 and port to Drupal 7 | 110 |
50 rows in set (0.07 sec)
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