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Last active September 28, 2015 12:27
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var HTMLTags = ['A', 'DIV', 'SECTION', 'HEADER', 'FOOTER', 'P',....];
m.dom = {};
m.defineDOM = function defineDOM(elementName, component, conf) {
// register a html tag, no special component view given
if (!component) {
elementName = elementName.toLowerCase();
m.dom[elementName] = function(attrs, children) {
return m(elementName, attrs, children);
// register a full blown module with (optional) controller and mandatory view
else if (component.toString() === '[object Object]') {
if(!component.controller) component.controller = function(){};
m.dom[elementName] = function(attrs, children) {
return m.module(component, attrs, children);
// register the result of m() -> only the view portion of a module
else if (typeof component === 'function') {
m.dom[elementName] = component;
// register simple tagname
else if (typeof component === 'string') {
m.dom[elementName] = function(attrs, children) {
return m(component, attrs, children);
else {
throw new Error('invalid DOM definition ' + elementName);
HTMLTags.forEach(function(tag) {
//====== defineDOM
/** Titles **/
m.defineDOM('PrimaryTitle', 'h4');
m.defineDOM('SubTitle', 'h5');
/** Input elements **/
m.defineDOM('TextInput', function TextInput(attrs, children) {
var label = attrs.label || '';
var hintText = attrs.hintText || '';
var errorText = attrs.errorText || '';
attrs.placeholder = attrs.placeholder || label;
return m('fieldset', [
m('input', attrs),
m('label', label),
m('span.input-hint', hintText),
m('span.input-error', errorText)
/* tabset component
m.defineDOM('Tabset', function Tabset(attrs) {
return m.dom.section({'class': 'tabs'}, [
m.dom.nav([, index) {
return m.dom.a({
'key': index,
'class': (index == attrs.selectedIndex)? 'active': '',
'onclick': attrs.onSelect.bind(this, index)
}, (typeof item === 'string')? item: item[attrs.displayTitle]);
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