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Last active April 5, 2016 09:36
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Mixin for mithril controllers to enable firebase livedata
* Firebase mixin
export function mixinFirebase(target) {
var OBJECT = '[object Object]', ARRAY = '[object Array]', STRING = '[object String]', FUNCTION = '[object Function]';
var type = {}.toString;
var _references = [];
function unify(key, value) {
if( !== OBJECT || !value) {
value = { '.value': value };
value._id = key;
return value;
function findIndex(arr, key) {
for(var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
if(arr[i]._id === key) {
return i;
return -1;
// using the Firebase API's prevChild behavior, we
// place each element in the list after it's prev
// sibling or, if prevChild is null, at the beginning
function positionAfter(arr, prevChild) {
var idx;
if (prevChild === null) {
return 0;
} else {
idx = findIndex(arr, prevChild);
return (idx === -1) ? arr.length: idx + 1;
* getData - retrieve the data at the specified firebase location once
* param @reference firebaseReference - firebase reference to write to
* param @oncomplete function - callback function with fetched data
target.getData = function(reference, oncomplete) {
reference.once('value', function(snap) {, snap.val());
* onlivedata - listen to firebase live data changes
* param @reference firebaseReference - firebase reference to write to
* param @ondata function - callback function with updated data
* param @asObject boolean - optional, pass a truthy value to receive a
* complete snapshot.val() rather than an array
target.onlivedata = function(reference, ondata, asObject) {
// save the reference for later removal of eventlisteners
// add eventlistener
if (asObject) {
reference.on('value', function(snap) {, snap.val());
} else {
var out = [];
reference.on('child_added', function(snap, prevChild) {
var pos, idx = findIndex(out, snap.key());
if (idx < 0) {
pos = positionAfter(out, prevChild);
out.splice( pos, 0, unify( snap.key(), snap.val() ) );, out);
reference.on('child_changed', function(snap) {
var idx = findIndex(out, snap.key());
if (idx > -1) {
out[idx] = unify( snap.key(), snap.val() );, out);
reference.on('child_removed', function(snap) {
var idx = findIndex(out, snap.key());
out.splice(idx, 1);, out);
reference.on('child_moved', function(snapshot, prevChild) {
var data, newpos,
idx = findIndex(out, snapshot.key());
if (idx > -1) {
data = out.splice(idx, 1)[0];
newpos = positionAfter(out, prevChild);
out.splice(newpos, 0, data);, out);
* bindFirebase - helper function to bind an input value to a firebase location
* param @ref firebaseReference - firebase reference to write to
* param @key string - key index
* param @property string - key property to bind to
* param @attr string - HTML attribute to bind to
* return mithril m.withAttr function
target.bindFirebase = function(reference, key, childProp, attr) {
return m.withAttr(attr, function(value) {
// save a reference to a possible present unload method
var _savedUnload = (target.onunload)? target.onunload : null;
target.onunload = function() {
while (_references.length) {
_savedUnload && _savedUnload();
return target;
// usage:
var MyCustomers = new Firebase('https://<myfirebase>')
var Customers = {};
Customers.controller = function(args) {
var scope = mixinFirebase(this);
scope.onLivedata(args.firebase, function(data) {
scope.customers = data;
Customers.view = function(ctrl) {
return m('ul', {
return m('li', { key: customer._id }, );
m.module(document.body, Customers, { firebase: MyCustomers });
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I have created repo for this:
And published it to npm with minimal changes:
PR Welcome...

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webcss commented Mar 7, 2016

@kulakowka Would be nice if you'd at least mentioned me as the initial author in your repo's readme or within your license...

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