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Install MariaDB on Ubuntu 14.04

Following instructions at (There's also, but I didn't follow that one.)


sudo apt-get -y install libboost-all-dev expect perl openssl file sudo libdbi-perl libreadline-dev libdbd-mysql-perl
cd ~
cd /opt
sudo tar -xf ~/mariadb-columnstore-tars/mariadb-10.1.22-ubuntu-trusty-amd64-debs.tar
sudo ./mariadb-10.1.22-ubuntu-trusty-amd64-debs/setup_repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

Check that everything is up and running

sudo service mysql status
mysql -V
sudo mysql -p

Create a new user, grant him full access to my_db

create user 'username'@'hostname' identified by 'password';
grant ALL on infinidb_vtable.* to 'username'@'hostname'; -- this must be set as-is for any new user to be able to do anything in any db
grant ALL on my_db.* to 'username'@'hostname';
flush privileges;
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