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webstrand / map-set-like.mts
Created February 27, 2025 16:34
Maplike and Setlike objects that are fast and structurally compatible
interface Maplike<key, value> {
get(key: key): [value] | undefined;
set(key: key, value?: value): void;
delete(key: key): boolean;
interface Setlike<value> {
get(value: value): [unknown] | undefined;
set(value: value): void;
delete(value: value): boolean;
import { bench, do_not_optimize, run } from './node_modules/mitata/src/main.mjs';
const ub = 100_000;
const adHoc = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return {
i: 0,
next() {
return this.i < ub ? { value: this.i++ } : { done: true }
webstrand / map-weak.ts
Created January 30, 2025 19:47
Transparent Map<K, WeakRef<V extends WeakKey>>
const retainment = new WeakMap<WeakRef<WeakKey>, unknown>();
export class MapWeak<K, V extends WeakKey> implements Map<K, V> {
#map: Map<K, WeakRef<V>>;
#finalizer = new FinalizationRegistry<K>(key => {
constructor(entries?: Iterable<readonly [K, V]> | null | undefined) {
const entriesWeak: ConstructorParameters<typeof Map<K, WeakRef<V>>>[0] =
function ordgroupIterable<reference, key>(
refs: Accessor<Iterable<reference>>,
keyFn: (ref: reference) => key
): Accessor<ReadonlyMap<key, Accessor<readonly reference[]>>> {
const signals = createMemo((keyset: Map<key, Signal<readonly reference[]>>) => {
const exists = new Set();
let changed = false;
// Check for group creations
const ord: key[] = [];
webstrand /
Created November 9, 2024 21:46
A command to create or update the named (default: temporary-vault) Obsidian Vault and open it in Obsidian.
set -euo pipefail
shopt -s lastpipe
_usage() {
local status=${1:-0}
export class SharedMap<K extends string, V> extends Map<string, V> {
storageKey: string;
subscriptions = new Set<(added: Iterable<string>, deleted: Iterable<string>) => void>;
updatedKeys!: Set<string>;
deletedKeys!: Set<string>;
timeoutId = 0;
webstrand / 0-usage.ts
Created June 29, 2024 03:41
Tagged template literal unindenter. It's caches the intermediate unindented segments.
import { dedent } from "./dedent.ts"
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Hello, World!
this block of text gets unindented
interpolation works: ${i}
type RFC9457ProblemOccurrence = {
* A string containing a URI reference that identifies the problem type.
* Consumers MUST use this URI (after resolution, if necessary) as the problem type's
* primary identifier.
* When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
* If the URI is a locator (e.g., those with an "http" or "https" scheme),
import { useCallback, Reducer, Dispatch, useState, useMemo, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
type Batch<S, A extends object> = {
state: S,
actions: A[],
next: Batch<S, A> | null
class StreamReducer<S, A extends object> {