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Forked from dvddarias/Arrows2DMovement.cs
Created January 5, 2018 23:12
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Unity editor script to precisely move, rotate and scale GameObjects on a 2D scene, using the arrow keys.
Unity editor script to precisely move, rotate and scale GameObjects on 2D scenes, using the arrow keys.
- To use it just include it on an "Assets/Editor" folder on your project.
- The action depends on the selected tool and the size of the movement depends on the Scene view zoom.
- The more "zoomed in" is the scene view the smaller is the movement step.
- It will work when the current Scene tab is in 2D mode and there is at least one gameObject selected,
otherwise the scene camera will move as usual :)
David Darias. Lic: MIT. Dec 2017.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class Arrows2DMovement {
private static float viewportPercentRotation = 0.1f;
private static float viewportPercentMovement = 0.01f;
private static float viewportPercentScale = 0.001f;
private static int rotationSnapAngle = 15;
static Arrows2DMovement(){
//avoid registering twice to the SceneGUI delegate
SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate -= OnSceneView;
SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += OnSceneView;
static void OnSceneView(SceneView sceneView){
Event currentEvent = Event.current;
//if the event is a keyDown on an orthographic camera
if( currentEvent.isKey
&& currentEvent.type == EventType.KeyDown
&& (currentEvent.modifiers == EventModifiers.None || currentEvent.modifiers == EventModifiers.FunctionKey) //arrow keys are function keys
//choose the right direction to move
switch (currentEvent.keyCode)
case KeyCode.RightArrow:
moveSelectedObjects(Vector3.right, sceneView);
case KeyCode.LeftArrow:
moveSelectedObjects(Vector3.left, sceneView);
case KeyCode.UpArrow:
moveSelectedObjects(Vector3.up, sceneView);
case KeyCode.DownArrow:
moveSelectedObjects(Vector3.down, sceneView);
private static void moveSelectedObjects(Vector3 direction, SceneView sceneView){
//the step size is a percent of the scene viewport
Vector2 cameraSize = getCameraSize(;
Vector3 step = Vector3.Scale(direction, cameraSize);
//choose the transformation based on the selected tool
Action<Transform,Vector3> transform;
switch (Tools.current)
case Tool.Rotate:
transform = rotateObject;
case Tool.Scale:
transform = scaleObject;
transform = moveObject;
//get the current scene selection and move them
var selection = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(GameObject), SelectionMode.Editable | SelectionMode.ExcludePrefab);
//apply the transformation to every selected gameObject
for (int i = 0; i < selection.Length; i++) transform( (selection[i] as GameObject).transform, step);
//only consume the event if there was at least one gameObject selected, otherwise the camera will move as usual :)
if(selection.Length>0) Event.current.Use();
private static Vector2 getCameraSize(Camera sceneCamera){
Vector3 topRightCorner = sceneCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector2(1,1));
Vector3 bottomLeftCorner = sceneCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0, 0));
return (topRightCorner - bottomLeftCorner);
private static void rotateObject(Transform t, Vector3 rotation)
//allow undo of the rotation
Undo.RecordObject(t, "Rotation Step");
//move the rotation to the nearest multiple of the snap angle.
Vector3 currentRotation = t.rotation.eulerAngles;
currentRotation.z = (Mathf.RoundToInt(currentRotation.z) / rotationSnapAngle) * rotationSnapAngle;
currentRotation.z += rotationSnapAngle;
int current = Mathf.RoundToInt(currentRotation.z);
if(current%rotationSnapAngle == 0) currentRotation.z -= rotationSnapAngle;
else currentRotation.z = (current / rotationSnapAngle) * rotationSnapAngle;
//set the new angle
t.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(currentRotation);
t.Rotate(new Vector3(0,0, -rotation.x) * viewportPercentRotation);
private static void scaleObject(Transform t, Vector3 scale)
//allow undo of the scale
Undo.RecordObject(t, "Scale Step");
t.localScale = t.localScale + scale * viewportPercentScale;
private static void moveObject(Transform t, Vector3 movement){
//allow undo of the movements
Undo.RecordObject(t, "Move Step");
t.position = t.position + movement * viewportPercentMovement;
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