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Last active August 3, 2023 20:54
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using LWJGL Assimp to access a mesh in Clojure
(require '[clojure.reflect :as r]
'[clojure.pprint :as p])
(import '[org.lwjgl.assimp Assimp AIMesh AIVector3D AIVector3D$Buffer AIMaterial AIString AITexture])
(import '[org.lwjgl.stb STBImage])
(defn all-methods [x]
(->> x r/reflect
(filter :return-type)
(map :name)
(map #(str "." %) )
(map symbol)))
(all-methods Assimp)
(def scene (Assimp/aiImportFile "etc/cube.gltf" Assimp/aiProcess_Triangulate))
(.dataString (.mName scene))
(.mNumMeshes scene)
(def buffer (.mMeshes scene))
(.limit buffer)
(def mesh (AIMesh/create ^long (.get buffer 0)))
(.dataString (.mName mesh))
(.mNumFaces mesh)
(.mNumVertices mesh)
(def faces (.mFaces mesh))
(.limit faces)
(def face (.get faces 0))
(.mNumIndices face)
(map (fn [i] (let [face (.get faces i) indices (.mIndices face)] (map #(.get indices %) (range 3)))) (range 12))
(def vertices (.mVertices mesh))
(map (fn [i] (let [vertex (.get vertices i)] [(.x vertex) (.y vertex) (.z vertex)])) (range 24))
(def normals (.mNormals mesh))
(map (fn [i] (let [normal (.get normals i)] [(.x normal) (.y normal) (.z normal)])) (range 24))
(def texcoords (AIVector3D$Buffer. ^long (.get (.mTextureCoords mesh) 0) 24))
(map (fn [i] (let [texcoord (.get texcoords i)] [(.x texcoord) (.y texcoord) (.z texcoord)])) (range 24))
(def material (AIMaterial/create ^long (.get (.mMaterials scene) 0)))
(.get (.mProperties material) 0)
(Assimp/aiGetMaterialTextureCount material Assimp/aiTextureType_DIFFUSE)
(def path (AIString/calloc))
(Assimp/aiGetMaterialTexture material Assimp/aiTextureType_DIFFUSE 0 path nil nil nil nil nil nil)
(.dataString path)
(def texture (AITexture/create ^long (.get (.mTextures scene) 0)))
(.mHeight texture)
(.mWidth texture)
(def data (.pcDataCompressed texture))
(def width (int-array 1))
(def height (int-array 1))
(def channels (int-array 1))
(def buffer (STBImage/stbi_load_from_memory data width height channels 4))
(def width (aget width 0))
(def height (aget height 0))
(def b (byte-array (* width height 4)))
(.get buffer b)
(.flip buffer)
(STBImage/stbi_image_free buffer)
(def img {:data b :width width :height height :channels (aget channels 0)})
(Assimp/aiReleaseImport scene)
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