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Last active December 23, 2019 21:01
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Format an Array of Arrays as a table
# @class ArrayArraysAsTable
# @desc Responsibility: Creates a string with an Array of Arrays of Strings and/or Numbers
# formatted as a Table.
# BASED ON print_table FROM THOR: bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/shell/basic.rb
# I needed a way to easily view an array of arrays as a decently formatted table.
# The code in Thor had the basic methods. I refactored and renamed some things,
# added the :row_end and :column_separator options,
# and made the output a String instead of writing to $stdout.
# @author Ashley Engelund ([email protected] weedySeaDragon @ github)
# @date 12/14/19
class ArrayArraysAsTable
# Prints an Array of Arrays of Strings and/or Numbers as table, returns a String
# array[0] = column headers
# array[1] = first row
# array[2] = second row
# ...
# array[n] = nth row
# @param [Array<Array<String|Number>] array - array of arrays = the table to print out. Every entry should be a String or Number
# @param [Hash] options - options
# indent<Integer>:: Indent the first columnof the entire table by indent value.
# colwidth<Integer>:: Force the first column to colwidth spaces wide. Ex: if the first column is a label, set this to be plenty wide so all of the data in the following columns is aligned nicely
# row_end<String>:: String to use at the end of each row. Default = "\n"
# column_separator<String>:: String to use at the end of each column. Default = " " (2 spaces)
# @return [String] - a String with the formatted table
def self.print_table(array, options = {}) # rubocop:disable MethodLength
return if array.empty?
result = ''
maxs_and_formats = column_max_lengths_formats(array, @first_colwidth, @indent)
result << puts_rows(array, maxs_and_formats[:col_maximas], maxs_and_formats[:formats])
def self.set_options(options)
@indent = options[:indent].to_i
@first_colwidth = options[:colwidth]
@row_ender = options.fetch(:row_end, DEFAULT_ROW_ENDER)
@col_separator = options.fetch(:column_separator, DEFAULT_COL_SEPARATOR)
def self.column_max_lengths_formats(array, first_colwidth, indent)
col_maximas = []
formats = []
formats << "%-#{first_colwidth}s#{@col_separator}".dup if first_colwidth
start = first_colwidth ? 1 : 0
colcount = array.max { |arr_a, arr_b| arr_a.size <=> arr_b.size }.size - 1
# Create maxima (max. col. length) and format for each column
start.upto(colcount) do |column_index|
col_max_size = col_max_size(array, column_index)
col_maximas << col_max_size
# Don't append the @col_separator when printing the last column
formats << ((column_index == colcount) ? col_str_format : col_padded_str_format(col_max_size))
formats << "%s" # format for last column
formats[0] = formats[0].insert(0, ' ' * indent) # indent the first column by 'indent' spaces
return { col_maximas: col_maximas, formats: formats }
# get the size of the widest string in the column
def self.col_max_size(array, column_index) { |row| row[column_index] ? row[column_index].to_s.size : 0 }.max # rubocop:disable DuplicateMethodCall
def self.puts_rows(array, maximas, formats) { |row| row_sentence(row, maximas, formats) }.join('')
def self.row_sentence(row, maximas, formats)
row_sentence = ''.dup
row.each_with_index do |column, index|
format_str = column.is_a?(Numeric) ?
formatted_numeric_col(index, row.size, maximas[index]) :
# apply the format string (format_str) to the column value (as a String)
row_sentence << format_str % column.to_s
row_sentence << @row_ender.dup
def self.col_str_format
def self.col_padded_str_format(padding = 3)
def self.formatted_numeric_col(index, row_size, max_length)
# Don't output @col_separator at the end of a column when printing the last column
(index == row_size - 1) ? numeric_base_col_format(max_length) : numeric_col_format_not_last(max_length)
# append the column separator to the formatted column
def self.numeric_col_format_not_last(max_length)
def self.numeric_base_col_format(max_length)
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