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Last active July 20, 2017 04:12
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purescript psc 0.9 output webpack loader that allows tree shaking
"use strict"
* Webpack 2 loader that can take CommonJS output by psc 0.9.1 and convert
* it into tree shakable ES6 modules. No transpiling required.
const fs = require('fs')
const commonJsRequire = /var ([$\w]+) = require\("(.*)"\)/g
const moduleExports = /module\.exports = \{(\n( ([$\w]+): ([$\w]+)(, )?\n)*)?\};/m
const actualExports = /( ([$\w]+): ([$\w]+)(, )?\n)/g
module.exports = function (content) {
const funcs = [
let out = funcs.reduce((prev, curr) => curr(prev), content)
return out
function findMatches(regex, content, action) {
let current;
let updated = content.slice()
while ((current = regex.exec(content)) !== null) {
updated = action(updated, current)
return updated
function upconvertImports (content) {
function action (content, currentImport) {
let [commonJsImport, identifier, file] = currentImport
return content.replace(commonJsImport, `import * as ${identifier} from "${file}"`)
return findMatches(commonJsRequire, content, action)
function upconvertExports (content) {
function action (noop, currentExport) {
let [_, __, internalName, externalName] = currentExport
if (internalName === externalName) {
content = content.replace(
`var ${internalName} =`,
`export var ${internalName} =`)
else {
content += `export var ${externalName} = ${internalName};`
return content.replace(moduleExports, '')
let moduleExporting = moduleExports.exec(content)
if (moduleExporting) {
let [exportsBlob, _] = moduleExporting
return findMatches(actualExports, exportsBlob, action)
return content
function upconvertFfiExports (content) {
return content.replace(/^exports\./gm, 'export var ')
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