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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Build the current branch of a provided job
def build_jenkins(j_url="", job_name='SuperJob'):
Build the current branch of a provided job
import time
from jenkins import Jenkins, JenkinsError
j = Jenkins(j_url, j_user, j_pass)
j.job_build(job_name) ; print("\nBuild command sent!\n")
print("Wait for the build to complete....") ; time.sleep(15)
last_b = j.job_last_build(job_name)
last_successful_b = j.job_last_successful_build(job_name)
print "Checking last build ... "
print "Last build : %s" % last_b.number
print "Last successful build : %s" % last_successful_b.number, "\n"
# time.sleep(10)
if last_b.number == last_successful_b.number:
print "-- Build success --"
print "Failed build :["
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