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Created January 20, 2016 17:32
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Directive Example using setValidation
(function() {
'use strict';
.directive('datePicker', datePicker);
function datePicker() {
return {
scope: {
inputLabel: '=',
inputName: '=',
maskConfigInput: '=',
maskConfigPlaceholder: '=',
inputModel: '=',
inputValidation: '=',
validationMessage: '='
require: 'ngModel',
replace: true,
restrict: 'E',
bindToController: true,
controller: datePickerCtrl,
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
templateUrl: 'templates/components/date-picker/date-picker.html'
* @ngInject
function datePickerCtrl(
) {
var ctrl = this;
var dateFormat = 'MM/DD/YYYY';
var datePicker;
// instantiate datePicker once module is loaded
$timeout(function() {
datePicker = $scope.datePicker;
* @type {{obj: Date, str}}
ctrl.asOfVal = {
obj: moment(ctrl.inputModel).toDate(),
str: ctrl.inputModel,
originalStr: ctrl.inputModel
* @param {string} direction
ctrl.blur = function(direction) {
if (direction === 'fromDate') {
ctrl.isInvalid = !ctrl[ctrl.inputValidation](ctrl.asOfVal.obj);
ctrl.asOfVal.str = moment(ctrl.asOfVal.obj).format(dateFormat);
} else {
ctrl.isInvalid = !ctrl[ctrl.inputValidation](ctrl.asOfVal.str);
ctrl.asOfVal.obj = moment(ctrl.asOfVal.str).toDate();
ctrl.inputModel = ctrl.asOfVal.str;
* Sets the input to either ng-valid or ng-invalid
ctrl.updateValidityClasses = function() {
datePicker[ctrl.inputName].$setValidity('date', !ctrl.isInvalid);
* Handle form next button state
ctrl.enableDisableContinue = function(invalid) {
angular.element('.next-button').attr('disabled', invalid);
* Ensures a date range falls between the current date and the constanst.validation.priceStalePeriod
* @param val
* @returns {boolean}
ctrl.validationValueAsOf = function(val) {
var viewValue = moment(val).format(dateFormat);
if (_.isEmpty(viewValue)) {
return true;
var tomorrow = moment().add(1, 'days'); // moment.isBetween is exclusive
var staleDate = moment().subtract(constants.validation.priceStalePeriod + 1, 'days');
var valueAsOf = moment(viewValue, dateFormat, true);
if (valueAsOf.isValid() && valueAsOf.isBetween(staleDate, tomorrow, 'day')) {
return true;
return false;
* @type {boolean}
ctrl.isInvalid = !ctrl[ctrl.inputValidation](ctrl.asOfVal.str);
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