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Created November 29, 2012 15:44
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Poll a list of Windows Terminal Servers for a specific User (Multithreading attempt 2)
#require -version 2.0
# based on source from:
# does not really work, because the waithandle is not processed correctly
# using $wait[$i].WaitOne() in for-loop would work, but is not the right way to process jobs in parallel
# create a pool of 10 runspaces
$pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1,10)
write-host "Available Runspaces: $($pool.GetAvailableRunspaces())"
$jobs = @()
$pipes = @()
$wait = @()
$file = "C:\Users\adm-ml\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSTerminalServices\aco-terminal-servers.txt"
$location = (get-location)
# run multiple background pipelines
$servers = (Get-Content $file)
for ($i=0; $i -lt $servers.count; $i++) {
# create a "powershell pipeline runner"
[PowerShell]$ps = [powershell]::create()
# assign our pool of runspaces to use
$ps.runspacepool = $pool
# Add commands to pipeline
#[String]$command = "param($servername) Import-Module PSTerminalServices; get-tssession -ComputerName $servername -State active -Username mlenhardt;"
# [Scriptblock]$ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($command)
[ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock = {
set-location C:\Users\adm-ml\Documents\WindowsPowerShell
Import-Module PSTerminalServices;
get-tssession -Computername $servername -Username mlenhardt;
# Organize pipelines in an Array
$pipes += $ps
$jobs += $pipes[$i].BeginInvoke();
write-host "Available runspaces: $($pool.GetAvailableRunspaces())"
# store wait handles for WaitForAll call
$wait += $jobs[$i].AsyncWaitHandle
# wait 20 seconds for all jobs to complete, else abort
#$success = [System.Threading.WaitHandle]::WaitAll($wait)
write-host "All completed? $success"
# End asynchronous call..
# create array to receive results for each job
[PSObject]$result = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $servers.count; $i++) {
write "Job $($i): $($jobs[$i].iscompleted)"
try {
write "receive results for job $($i)"
$result += $pipes[$i].endinvoke($jobs[$i])
write "-- end result --"
} catch {
# Catch-Error...
write-warning "error: $_"
# info about completed pipelines
#$info = $pipes[$i].InvocationStateInfo
#write-host "State: $($info.state) ; Reason: $($info.reason)"
# all runspaces should be available again...
write-host "Available runspaces: $($pool.GetAvailableRunspaces())"
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