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Last active July 30, 2020 14:03
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Quick Image Validator for checking the quality of images
// imageValidator.js
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
let files =; // FileList object
// Loop through the FileList and render image files as thumbnails.
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
// Only process image files.
if (!files[i].type.match('jpeg|bmp|png')) {
alert('Jak je psáno, podporuje jen soubory BMP, JPG nebo PNG!\nSoubor: ' + files[i].name + 'je typu ' + files[i].type + '.');
} // end IF testing of the file type
// Create new Filereader object, do not create the object in the case the files[i] does not match the proper file type!
if (files[i].type.match('jpeg|bmp|png')) {
let reader = new FileReader();
// Closure to capture the file information
reader.onload = (function(theFile) {
return function(e) {
// Creating the enclosing div
let item = document.createElement('div');
// Create new Image object
let image = new Image();
// Assign the Image object’s onload logic, everything happens here
image.onload = function() {
let widthDPI300 = image.width / 300 * 2.54;
let heightDPI300 = image.height / 300 * 2.54;
// Create elements, use Image object’s properties
item.className = widthDPI300 < 5 | heightDPI300 < 5 ? 'alert alert-danger tight' : 'alert alert-success tight';
let img = document.createElement('img');
img.className = 'thumb';
img.src =;
img.title = escape(
let infoPars = document.createElement('p');
infoPars.innerHTML = '<p>název: ' + + '<br/>rozměry (px): ' + image.width + ' × ' + image.height + '<br/>rozměry (cm): <b>' + widthDPI300.toFixed(2) + ' × ' + heightDPI300.toFixed(2) + '</b></p>';
// Appending the information
document.getElementById('image-list').insertBefore(item, null);
} // END image.onload
// Load the image
image.src = this.result;
} // END the function;
// Read in the image file as a data URL
} // END the Filereader object creation
} // END processing the whole batch
} // END the main function
function cleanResults() {
let results = document.getElementById('image-list');
let input = document.getElementById('files');
// Cleaning the list of the results
while (results.firstChild) {
// Cleaning the input
input.value = '';
// Assigning event listeners
document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);
document.getElementById('clean-list').addEventListener('click', cleanResults, false);
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