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Created June 26, 2014 21:24
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MonadLogTask + TreeLogger
import scalaz._, concurrent._
trait MonadLogTask[F[_], L] extends Monad[F] with Catchable[F] {
def log[A](label: => L, task: Task[A]): F[A]
def heading[A](label: => L, fa: F[A]): F[A]
def liftTask[A](task: Task[A]): F[A]
object MonadLogTask {
def apply[F[_], L](implicit F: MonadLogTask[F, L]): MonadLogTask[F, L] = F
implicit def taskLogTask[L]: MonadLogTask[Task, L] =
new MonadLogTask[Task, L] {
def log[A](label: => L, task: Task[A]) = task
def heading[A](label: => L, task: Task[A]) = task
def liftTask[A](task: Task[A]) = task
def point[A](a: => A) = Task.taskInstance.point(a)
def bind[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => Task[B]) = Task.taskInstance.bind(fa)(f)
def fail[A](e: Throwable) =[A](e)
def attempt[A](fa: Task[A]) = Task.taskInstance.attempt(fa)
* Externalizable representation of `Throwable`
* Stolen from doobie
* @see
final case class Thrown(className: String,
message: String,
stack: IList[StackTraceElement],
cause: Option[Thrown])
object Thrown {
def fromThrowable(t: Throwable): Thrown =
t.getStackTrace.foldRight(IList[StackTraceElement]())(_ :: _),
sealed trait LogNode[L] {
import LogNode._
/** Commits this node if pending, returning this otherwise */
def commit(endNanos: Long, err: Option[Throwable]): LogNode[L] =
this match {
case Pending(l, startNanos) => entryT(l.value, endNanos - startNanos, err)
case _ => this
private case class Root[L](label: Need[L]) extends LogNode[L]
private case class Pending[L](label: Need[L], startNanos: Long) extends LogNode[L]
private case class Entry[L](label: Need[L], ellapsedNanos: Long, error: Option[Thrown]) extends LogNode[L]
object LogNode {
def root[L](l: => L): LogNode[L] =
def pending[L](l: => L, startNanos: Long): LogNode[L] =
Pending(Need(l), startNanos)
def entry[L](l: => L, ellapsedNanos: Long, thrown: Option[Thrown]): LogNode[L] =
Entry(Need(l), ellapsedNanos, thrown)
def entryT[L](l: => L, ellapsedNanos: Long, err: Option[Throwable]): LogNode[L] =
entry(l, ellapsedNanos, err map Thrown.fromThrowable)
def success[L](l: => L, ellapsedNanos: Long): LogNode[L] =
entry(l, ellapsedNanos, None)
def failure[L](l: => L, ellapsedNanos: Long, err: Throwable): LogNode[L] =
entryT(l, ellapsedNanos, Some(err))
implicit def logNodeShow[L: Show]: Show[LogNode[L]] =
Show.shows {
case Root(l) => l.value.shows
case Pending(l, _) => s"Pending: ${l.value.shows}"
case Entry(l, ns, None) => f"[ok] ${l.value.shows} (${ns / 1000000.0}%.3f ms)"
case Entry(l, ns, Some(t)) => f"[er] ${l.value.shows} !! ${t.message} !! (${ns / 1000000.0}%.3f ms)"
type Logged[L, +A] = Task[(Log[L], Throwable \/ A)]
* Logging using a structured rose tree log
* Stolen from doobie
* @see
sealed trait TreeLogger[L, +A] {
import TreeLogger._
protected val tl: TreeL[L]#f[A]
def map[B](f: A => B): TreeLogger[L, B] =
TreeLogger(tl map f)
def flatMap[B](f: A => TreeLogger[L, B]): TreeLogger[L, B] =
TreeLogger(tl flatMap (f(_).tl))
/** Add a heading to this logger */
def heading(label: => L): TreeLogger[L, A] =
TreeLogger(for {
p <-, _)).liftM[TreeLST[L]#g]
_ <- TreeLSM[L].modify(_.insertDownLast(Tree(p)))
r <-
_ <- commit(p, r)
} yield r)
def ++>(label: => L): TreeLogger[L, A] =
def mapT(f: Task ~> Task): TreeLogger[L, A] =
def attempt: TreeLogger[L, Throwable \/ A] =
def run(rootLabel: => L): Logged[L, A] =
def runZero(implicit L: Monoid[L]): Logged[L, A] =
def runLog(rootLabel: => L, write: String => Task[Unit])(implicit L: Show[L]): Task[A] =
run(rootLabel) >>= (l => write(l._1.drawTree) *> l._2.fold(,
def unLog(implicit L: Monoid[L]): Task[A] =
runZero >>= (_._2.fold(,
object TreeLogger {
private def apply[L, A](_tl: TreeL[L]#f[A]): TreeLogger[L, A] =
new TreeLogger[L, A] {
protected val tl = _tl
private def apply[L, A](tls: TreeLS[L]#f[Throwable \/ A]): TreeLogger[L, A] =
new TreeLogger[L, A] {
protected val tl = EitherT[TreeLS[L]#f, Throwable, A](tls)
def log[L, A](label: => L, t: Task[A]): TreeLogger[L, A] =
TreeLogger(for {
p <-, _)).liftM[TreeLST[L]#g]
_ <- TreeLSM[L].modify(_.insertDownLast(Tree(p)))
r <- t.attempt.liftM[TreeLST[L]#g]
_ <- commit(p, r)
} yield r)
def silent[L, A](t: Task[A]): TreeLogger[L, A] =
def fail[L](err: Throwable): TreeLogger[L, Nothing] =
def toTask[L: Show](rootLabel: => L, write: String => Task[Unit]): ({type f[+a]=TreeLogger[L, a]})#f ~> Task =
new (({type f[+a]=TreeLogger[L, a]})#f ~> Task) {
def apply[A](tl: TreeLogger[L, A]): Task[A] =
tl.runLog(rootLabel, write)
implicit def TreeLoggerMonadLogTask[L]: MonadLogTask[({type f[+a] = TreeLogger[L, a]})#f, L] =
new MonadLogTask[({type f[+a] = TreeLogger[L, a]})#f, L] {
def log[A](label: => L, task: Task[A]): TreeLogger[L, A] =
TreeLogger.log(label, task)
def heading[A](label: => L, fa: TreeLogger[L, A]): TreeLogger[L, A] =
def liftTask[A](task: Task[A]): TreeLogger[L, A] =
def bind[A, B](fa: TreeLogger[L, A])(f: A => TreeLogger[L, B]): TreeLogger[L, B] =
fa flatMap f
def point[A](a: => A): TreeLogger[L, A] =
def fail[A](err: Throwable) =[L](err)
def attempt[A](fa: TreeLogger[L, A]): TreeLogger[L, Throwable \/ A] =
private type ErrT[F[+_], +A] = EitherT[F, Throwable, A]
private type LZ[L] = TreeLoc[LogNode[L]]
private trait TreeLST[L] { type g[f[+_], +a] = StateT[f, LZ[L], a] }
private trait TreeLS[L] { type f[+a] = TreeLST[L]#g[Task, a] }
private trait TreeL[L] { type f[+a] = ErrT[TreeLS[L]#f, a] }
implicit private def TreeLSM[L] = StateT.stateTMonadState[LZ[L], Task]
implicit private def TreeLM[L] = EitherT.eitherTMonad[TreeLS[L]#f, Throwable]
private def commit[L, A](n: LogNode[L], result: Throwable \/ A): TreeLS[L]#f[Unit] =
for {
e <-, result.swap.toOption)).liftM[TreeLST[L]#g]
_ <- TreeLSM[L].modify(_.setLabel(e).parent.get)
} yield ()
private def nanoTime: Task[Long] =
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