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wendao / git
Last active December 22, 2015 00:48
git command line
git commit #本地操作,可多次进行
git branch newbranch #建立一个新的branch
git checkout newbranch #切换branch
git merge oldbranch #合并另一个分支
git rebase oldbranch #直接跳转过去(和merge区别:改变父亲)
git revert HEAD^
wendao / command
Last active December 22, 2015 00:48
~/rosetta/bin/pdb_to_map.default.linuxgccrelease -in:file:s 4d0m_tetramer.pdb.clean.pdb -edensity:mapreso 10.0 -edensity:grid_spacing 2.0 -in:file:centroid_input -mapfile
hhblits -o /dev/null -i 1v0eA_frag.fasta -oa3m 1v0eA_frag.a3m -d /lab/databases/hhsuite/uniprot/un iprot20_2013_03/uniprot20_2013_03 -cpu 20
hhblits -o /dev/null -i to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.fasta -oa3m to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.a3m -d /lab/data bases/hhsuite/uniprot/uniprot20_2013_03/uniprot20_2013_03 -cpu 20
hhalign -i to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.a3m -t 1v0eA_frag.a3m -glob -o to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.hha
~krypton/scripts/ -hhs to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.hha -fas 1v0eA_frag.fasta -name 1v0eA_1
wendao / boinc
Created October 8, 2013 20:48
#test locally
boinc_test boinc_submit.txt
/work/boinc/bin/ run.fold.boinc.job
#submit small cases
~boinc/bin/ralph_submit boinc_submit.txt
~boinc/bin/boinc_submit boinc_submit.txt
#check success rate
wendao / elcomp.js
Created December 10, 2021 15:27
// JavaScript routines for elcomp.htm
// by Jef Rozenski (1999)
// [email protected]
// last modification : 11/03/2014
window.defaultStatus = '';
var i,j,mw,sm,ma,dr,toler,offs,hits,hitmass;
var elem = "CHNOSPXYZ";
var maM = "monoisotopic mass";