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Created September 5, 2017 17:26
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module Elchemy.Platoform.Eff exposing (..)
type alias IO eff =
{ getEmpty : () -> eff
, reduce : List (eff -> eff)
type Eff x y
= Unhandled (Maybe x)
| Handled y
| None
eff : x -> Eff x y
eff =
(Unhandled << Just)
type alias Effect eff =
{ getEmpty : eff -> eff
, apply : eff -> eff
type alias Prints x =
{ x | prints : Eff String () }
print : String -> Effect (Prints x)
print prompt =
{ getEmpty = \x -> { x | prints = None }
, apply = \x -> { x | prints = eff prompt }
type alias ReadsFile x =
{ x | readsFile : Eff String String }
readFile : String -> Effect (ReadsFile x)
readFile name =
{ getEmpty = \x -> { x | readsFile = None }
, apply = \x -> { x | readsFile = eff name }
empty : IO {}
empty =
{ getEmpty = always {}
, reduce = []
andThen : Effect eff -> IO eff -> IO eff
andThen a io =
{ getEmpty = a.getEmpty << io.getEmpty
, reduce = a.apply :: io.reduce
test =
|> andThen (print "a")
|> andThen (readFile "file.txt")
|> handle .readsFil someFun
|> handle .prints (Debug.log "Logging")
|> handle .someOther -- This would fail. There was no such effect
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