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Ricardo Paiva werneckpaiva

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#include <IBusBM.h>
IBusBM ibusRc;
HardwareSerial& ibusRcSerial = Serial1;
HardwareSerial& debugSerial = Serial;
void setup() {
werneckpaiva / LookupTest.scala
Created May 9, 2020 21:35
Comparison between lookup or match case
package switchlookup
import collection.JavaConversions._
object LookupTest {
val VALUES = List(
"GJMYQBNbtxUYhxInkbXB", "izZogfwZcWJOMnKfVmiR", "feCfeVlfbsNPskdOOxfa", "jgNqcbyRHVfycmFtFdpH", "vzqmtfbiwclduviXpTaw",
"cIQStdcUWiVuXTcGfdFK", "ppbiVAlciZhUjnowMCId", "AdckbDaDZXwZnwODhPnb", "goXpVCWiJMkaEnqSgSWU", "sjRgGBgfBXHUfnpNiwas",
"DACFkzLdmqmZZKcSXltF", "QpXOtUTUjXXSJqUKZIBW", "RbxYRleFYtnYUpQnIxlx", "AwQlmDfmJHLwxsQOUMvt", "cHvkUVGdOxrflgJBXgcu",
werneckpaiva / rc-arduino.ino
Last active April 24, 2024 11:55
Read RC channels from Arduino
#define CH1 3
#define CH2 5
#define CH3 6
#define CH4 9
#define CH5 10
// Read the number of a given channel and convert to the range provided.
// If the channel is off, return the default value
int readChannel(int channelInput, int minLimit, int maxLimit, int defaultValue){
int ch = pulseIn(channelInput, HIGH, 30000);
werneckpaiva /
Last active October 17, 2024 09:47
Kafka Consumer - seek by timestamp
// Get the list of partitions
List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfos = consumer.partitionsFor(topicName);
// Transform PartitionInfo into TopicPartition
List<TopicPartition> topicPartitionList = partitionInfos
.map(info -> new TopicPartition(topicName, info.partition()))
// Assign the consumer to these partitions
// Look for offsets based on timestamp
### Keybase proof
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* I am werneckpaiva on github.
* I am ricardopaiva ( on keybase.
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