- lex winners
- hackyourtravel
- office365hack3
- ringcentral
- alexakidskills
- awsdeeplens
- myscript
- hackproductivity
... log/log_returnurl_20170909.txt
- cometdocs - ocr for premium customer
- onlineocr - less than 15 pages
- wondershare - exe file
- pdftoexcelonline - less than 5mb or 50 pages
youtube-dl-2016.exe --no-check-certificate --no-playlist https://youtu.be/wfQRwDyTLgU?list=PL_6ApchKwjN9CZCqUl4RZrsyDvnTV1Jgb
youtube-dl-2016.exe --no-certificate-check --no-playlist <youtube video url>
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' file
sed 's/ \+/ /g' file
use windows cmd prompt instead of git bash:
http https://adamexperimental.cyberblox.my:7891/chain/height
use winpty within git bash has the slash-backslash conversion problem
- IoT based remote monitoring of Air Pollution and warning system
By Photo Arpit Nandi
One of the major causes of diseases is the pollution in air. As the no. of vehicles increases exponentially on the roads and all the other industrial factor leading to more and more air pollution, so we need to monitor the quality of the air around us regularly to keep the pollution in check.
Most of the air quality measuring devices come at a very high cost in India that too with no prospect of having IoT in their devices.My aim is to create a cheap efficient IoT device for monitoring Air Quality. I will be implementing the project in the following way:
The Raspberry Pi Zero W will be connected to an array of sensors like-
- 2 Shinyei PPD42 Dust Sensors to collect data about particulate matter.
2.MiCS-2614/MQ-131 and MiCS-2714 to detect Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide respectively.
3.Groove air quality sensor v1.3,responsive to a wide scope of harmful gases, as carbon monixide, alcohol, acetone, thinner, formaldehyde and so on.
Temp(DHT-11) and humidity sensors.
MQ-9 Carbon Monoxide sensor.
The above said sensors cover the major part of pollutants as mentioned by the AQI in India.
The Raspberry Pi Zero W along with the Nova cellular modem will be connected with the WiFi present in home or office or any neighborhood i.e basically anywhere we need to measure the readings.
To monitor the reading remotely the following platforms of Hologram will be implemented: The Raspberry Pi Zero W along with the Nova cellular modem will be connected to the Holograms own Cloud services and the Dashboard platform of Hologram will be used for displaying and plotting the various reading of various sensors( from graphs to bar plots) in any form that the user wants.
Now Hologram with its Data Engine platform not only allow us to maintain the record of air pollution in our surrounding but provide is with solid statistical data as well.
Retrieve device data messages via webhook or APIs Replay data message sequences for diagnostics and troubleshooting Upgrade historical time windows If an area is observed to have air quality degrading in recent time they can they inform the regulatory authority to look into to matter before it gets worse like in many cases of various cities (like Delhi in India). This can also be helpful for further data analysis of a certain area.
Furthermore with webhook integration feature of cloud service we will integrate IFTTT to determine some threshold values of pollutants above which an alert SMS or e-mail can be sent to the device user or a broadcast SMS can be sent in an area where such high presence of pollutant is detected.
As the Nova contains Holograms global IoT SIM card a group of devices can be placed in certain areas of a city and can be monitored & used to trigger warning in case of emegencies to its occupants very efficiently & accurately.
Thus with the help of Raspberry Pi Zero W along with the Nova cellular modem we will be able to control and monitor the readings anywhere from the world.
- connected alarm and security system