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Session 10, breakthrough

weslenng weslenng

Session 10, breakthrough
  • Campinas, Brazil
  • 02:40 (UTC -03:00)
View GitHub Profile
const express = require("express");
const application = express();
const TIME_OUT = 4096;
const circuitBreaker = () =>
new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(reject, TIME_OUT));
const ensureTimeout = (startTime) =>
weslenng / intercept.js
Created November 8, 2020 05:31
Just a little experiment
weslenng / bucklescript.json
Created July 31, 2020 23:17
This gist has all Bucklescript function names, his modules and signatures
"fn": "abs_float",
"mod": "Js_math",
"sig": "float -> float"
"fn": "abs_int",
"mod": "Js_math",
"sig": "int -> int"
// TODO: Error out on duplicate attributes
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<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M32.782 38.193v9.682c0 3.058 2.25 5.603 5.187 6.076v-9.529c0-3.079-2.29-5.73-5.187-6.23zm-1.976-.085h.988v-1.97H26.25c-6.447 0-11.693-5.229-11.693-11.656 0-6.427 5.246-11.656 11.693-11.656 6.448 0 11.694 5.23 11.694 11.656v5.57h1.976v-5.57c0-7.513-6.132-13.626-13.67-13.626-7.537 0-13.669 6.113-13.669 13.626 0 7.513 6.132 13.626 13.67 13.626h4.555v-1.97h.003l.04-11.66c0-2.524-2.063-4.58-4.598-4.58-2.536 0-4.6 2.056-4.6 4.584 0 2.528 2.064 4.584 4.6 4.584v1.97c-3.626 0-6.576-2.94-6.576-6.554 0-3.614 2.95-6.554 6.576-6.554 3.625 0 6.575 2.94 6.575 6.554l-.041 11.717c4.029.498 7.16 3.996 7.16 8.223V56h-.988c-4.495 0-8.151-3.645-8.151-8.125v-9.767zM4.59 1.97a2.572 2.572 0 00-2.573 2.565A2.572 2.572 0 004.59 7.099a2.572 2.572 0 002.573-2.564A2.572 2.572 0 004.59 1.97zm0 7.1C2.082 9.07.04 7.034.04 4.534S2.083 0 4.59 0s4.55 2.034 4.55 4.535c0 2.5-2.042 4.534-4.55 4.534zm3.56 28.879c-4.493 0-8.15-3.645-8.15-8.125v-18.93h9.14v19.17H7.162v-17.2H1.976v16.96c0 3.394 2.77 6.
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weslenng / events.js
Created April 27, 2020 20:52
copy(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('td a')).filter(node => node.href.indexOf('event_') !== -1).map(node => node.href).map(href => href.split('event_')[1].split('.asp').join('')))
weslenng / settings.json
Last active July 30, 2020 02:28
Typescript Settings
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll": true
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"editor.rulers": [80, 120],
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"eslint.validate": ["typescript"],