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Last active July 17, 2020 00:46
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Natural sort comparator in Clojure/ClojureScript
(ns natural-compare
^{:author "Mike Weaver"
:see-also [[""
"Alphabetical/Natural sorting in Clojure/Clojurescript"]]
:doc "A comparator for natural sorting."}
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn split-digits
"Splits string into sequence of alternating text and numbers."
(let [parse-int #(Long/parseLong %) ;; for cljs, use #(js/parseInt %)
text (str/split s #"\d+")
nums (mapv parse-int (re-seq #"\d+" s))]
;; Padding `text` and `nums` with "" and -1, respectively, ensures resulting
;; sequence will start with text, end with a number, and consistently
;; alternate inbetween. The pad values sort lower than 'legit' values, so
;; when one string is a prefix of another, the shorter one sorts first.
(interleave (conj text "") (conj nums -1))))
(defn natural-compare
"Compares two strings with natural sorting."
[a b]
(or (->> (map compare (split-digits a) (split-digits b))
(drop-while zero?)
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