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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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  • Save wf9a5m75/923d92d0061653ec4048 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wf9a5m75/923d92d0061653ec4048 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Action: Click the app icon to launch
11-04 17:24:20.349: I/ActivityManager(347): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.example.test/com.appgyver.runtime.standalone.MainActivity} from pid 531
11-04 17:24:20.469: D/Launcher(531): send boardcast( from launcher2..
11-04 17:24:20.469: D/TabletStatusBar(436): statusbar receive showbar broadcast :
11-04 17:24:20.489: D/ SteroidsApplication created
11-04 17:24:20.499: D/ (startUpUrl) -> No startUpUrl present !
11-04 17:24:20.509: D/com.appgyver.ui.ViewStack(6758): Could not find the native css file: android.css from steroids application file path: native-styles/android.css
11-04 17:24:20.509: W/ResourceType(6758): No known package when getting name for resource number 0x3ade68b1
11-04 17:24:20.519: I/qtaguid(347): Failed write_ctrl(s 1 10060) res=-1 errno=1
11-04 17:24:20.519: W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger(347): setKernelCountSet(10060, 1) failed with errno -1
// Debug code at
11-04 17:24:20.539: D/GoogleMaps(6758): activity=package com.appgyver.runtime.standalone
11-04 17:24:20.539: I/CordovaLog(6758): This app uses phonegap-googlemaps-plugin version 1.2.3 test for appGyver
11-04 17:24:20.539: D/CordovaLog(6758): packagename=com.example.test
11-04 17:24:20.559: D/JsMessageQueue(6758): Set native->JS mode to 2
// In order to change the background color as transparent,
// the google maps plugin reloads the index.html automatically
11-04 17:24:20.579: D/com.appgyver.ui.ViewStack(6758): Pre Rendering WebView: AGWebView -> URL: http://localhost/loading.html
11-04 17:24:20.609: D/GoogleMaps(6758): activity=package com.appgyver.runtime.standalone
11-04 17:24:20.619: I/CordovaLog(6758): This app uses phonegap-googlemaps-plugin version 1.2.3 test for appGyver
11-04 17:24:20.629: D/CordovaLog(6758): packagename=com.example.test
// Continue
11-04 17:24:20.639: D/JsMessageQueue(6758): Set native->JS mode to 2
11-04 17:24:20.669: D/com.appgyver.ui.TitleBarContainerView(6758): presenting webview: AGWebView -> URL: http://localhost/index.html
11-04 17:24:20.679: D/com.appgyver.ui.TitleBarContainerView(6758): presenting webview: AGWebView -> URL: http://localhost/index.html
11-04 17:24:20.679: W/ResourceType(6758): No known package when getting name for resource number 0x3ade6916
11-04 17:24:20.689: D/com.appgyver.event.EventService(6758): No handlers found for event: activityonstart
11-04 17:24:20.699: D/ Resuming the App
11-04 17:24:20.699: D/ Resuming the App
11-04 17:24:20.699: D/ Resuming the App
11-04 17:24:20.739: D/ No support for onPageStarted message. -- data: http://localhost/loading.html
11-04 17:24:20.809: D/MDnsDS(85): MDnsSdListener::Monitor poll timed out
11-04 17:24:20.809: D/MDnsDS(85): Going to poll with pollCount 1
11-04 17:24:21.079: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4476K, 55% free 8465K/18416K, paused 82ms, total 83ms
11-04 17:24:21.089: I/dalvikvm-heap(6758): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.572MB for 3440656-byte allocation
11-04 17:24:21.129: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7K, 36% free 11818K/18416K, paused 42ms, total 42ms
11-04 17:24:21.309: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_CONCURRENT freed 17K, 36% free 11887K/18416K, paused 14ms+86ms, total 182ms
11-04 17:24:21.619: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 109K, 35% free 12017K/18416K, paused 41ms, total 42ms
11-04 17:24:21.629: I/dalvikvm-heap(6758): Grow heap (frag case) to 15.041MB for 3440656-byte allocation
11-04 17:24:21.679: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 30% free 15377K/21780K, paused 41ms, total 41ms
11-04 17:24:21.869: I/Choreographer(6758): Skipped 51 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-04 17:24:21.869: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_CONCURRENT freed 46K, 30% free 15379K/21780K, paused 6ms+98ms, total 189ms
11-04 17:24:21.879: I/ActivityManager(347): Displayed com.example.test/com.appgyver.runtime.standalone.MainActivity: +1s404ms
11-04 17:24:22.049: D/ No support for onPageStarted message. -- data: http://localhost/index.html
11-04 17:24:22.199: D/ No support for onPageFinished message. -- data: http://localhost/loading.html
11-04 17:24:22.199: D/ Executing the Initial Js String!
11-04 17:24:22.199: D/com.appgyver.ui.ViewStack(6758): Pre Rendering complete for WebView: AGWebView -> URL: http://localhost/loading.html
11-04 17:24:22.289: D/com.appgyver.event.EventService(6758): Legacy event. No eventHandlerId specified. event -> focus
11-04 17:24:22.419: D/ No support for onPageFinished message. -- data: http://localhost/index.html
11-04 17:24:22.419: D/ Executing the Initial Js String!
11-04 17:24:22.429: D/com.appgyver.event.EventService(6758): No handlers found for event: pageloadedevent
11-04 17:24:22.659: I/qtaguid(347): Failed write_ctrl(s 0 10055) res=-1 errno=1
11-04 17:24:22.659: W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger(347): setKernelCountSet(10055, 0) failed with errno -1
// Connection Type is unknow, because the device used eithernet.
// However it does not affect to this issue.
11-04 17:24:23.619: D/CordovaNetworkManager(6758): Connection Type: unknown
11-04 17:24:23.919: W/PluginManager(6758): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to Device.getDeviceInfo blocked the main thread for 291ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
11-04 17:24:23.959: D/com.appgyver.event.EventService(6758): Legacy event. No eventHandlerId specified. event -> lostFocus
11-04 17:24:23.969: D/CordovaNetworkManager(6758): Connection Type: unknown
11-04 17:24:23.969: D/ No support for networkconnection message. -- data: unknown
11-04 17:24:23.969: E/GooglePlayServicesUtil(6758): The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.
// `map.getMap()` was involved.
11-04 17:24:24.049: I/Google Maps Android API(6758): Google Play services package version: 6183032
11-04 17:24:25.649: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_CONCURRENT freed 6782K, 44% free 12377K/21780K, paused 13ms+15ms, total 117ms
11-04 17:24:25.649: D/dalvikvm(6758): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 13ms
11-04 17:24:25.689: D/REQUEST(6758): Add Data Request: 147
11-04 17:24:25.729: W/CordovaPlugin(6758): Attempted to send a second callback for ID: GoogleMaps1652820935
11-04 17:24:25.729: W/CordovaPlugin(6758): Result was: "No result"
// `The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.` error always output for some reason. It does not affect to this issue.
11-04 17:24:25.739: E/GooglePlayServicesUtil(6758): The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.
11-04 17:24:25.739: I/Choreographer(6758): Skipped 104 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-04 17:24:25.769: W/BufferQueue(88): [com.example.test/com.appgyver.runtime.standalone.MainActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned!
11-04 17:24:25.939: W/ResourceType(6758): No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000002
11-04 17:24:25.939: W/ResourceType(6758): No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000003
11-04 17:24:25.939: W/ResourceType(6758): No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000001
11-04 17:24:26.079: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3761K, 50% free 9236K/18392K, paused 46ms, total 46ms
11-04 17:24:26.089: I/dalvikvm-heap(6758): Grow heap (frag case) to 12.325MB for 3440656-byte allocation
11-04 17:24:26.139: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 32% free 12595K/18392K, paused 48ms, total 48ms
// The map view had displayed, then `map.resizeMap()` was involved.
// It means `map.getMap()` worked correctly.
11-04 17:24:26.139: W/PluginManager(6758): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to GoogleMaps.resizeMap blocked the main thread for 287ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
11-04 17:24:26.339: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1332K, 32% free 12599K/18392K, paused 15ms+22ms, total 196ms
11-04 17:24:26.519: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 138K, 32% free 12660K/18392K, paused 49ms, total 49ms
11-04 17:24:26.529: I/dalvikvm-heap(6758): Grow heap (frag case) to 15.455MB for 3215376-byte allocation
11-04 17:24:26.569: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 27% free 15800K/21536K, paused 45ms, total 45ms
11-04 17:24:26.849: D/dalvikvm(6758): GC_CONCURRENT freed 155K, 27% free 15785K/21536K, paused 14ms+17ms, total 170ms
// Output of the update checker.
// Thus, the nerwork had connected.
11-04 17:24:27.389: I/CordovaLog(6758): phonegap-googlemaps-plugin version 1.2.3 is available.
11-04 17:24:27.399: D/Volley(6758): [1] Request.finish: 6825 ms: [ ] 0xef63866 NORMAL 1
11-04 17:24:29.049: I/CordovaLog(6758): phonegap-googlemaps-plugin version 1.2.3 is available.
11-04 17:24:29.049: D/Volley(6758): [1] Request.finish: 8422 ms: [ ] 0xef63866 NORMAL 1
11-04 17:24:29.309: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=78, status: MD, data: T
11-04 17:24:30.949: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=113, status: mc, data:
11-04 17:24:31.989: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=58, status: gl, data: |r=8|g=8|b=8|a=0|d=24|s=8|v=ARM|i=OpenGL ES-CM 1.1|c=Mali-400 MP|e=t|
11-04 17:24:35.719: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=113, status: emc, data: c=1
11-04 17:24:37.679: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=113, status: ec, data: c=1
11-04 17:24:39.589: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=113, status: eb, data: c=1
11-04 17:24:42.069: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=113, status: el, data: c=1
11-04 17:24:46.179: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=113, status: eml, data: c=1
11-04 17:24:49.529: D/USER_EVENTS(6758): Event: type=113, status: em, data: c=1
11-04 17:24:52.339: W/InputMethodManagerService(347): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@4159f380 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41863a60
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