MySQL practice problems using the Employees Sample Database along with my solutions. See here for database installation details.
Find the number of Male (M) and Female (F) employees in the database and order the counts in descending order.
SELECT gender, COUNT(*) AS total_count
FROM employees
GROUP BY gender
ORDER BY total_count DESC;
Find the average salary by employee title, round to 2 decimal places and order by descending order.
SELECT title, ROUND(AVG(salary), 2) as avg_salary
FROM titles t JOIN salaries s ON s.emp_no = t.emp_no
GROUP BY title
ORDER BY avg_salary DESC;
Find all the employees that have worked in at least 2 departments. Show their first name, last_name and the number of departments they work in. Display all results in ascending order.
SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ' , e.last_name) AS name, COUNT(*) AS number_of_departments
FROM employees e JOIN dept_emp d ON e.emp_no = d.emp_no
GROUP BY d.emp_no
Display the first name, last name, and salary of the highest payed employee.
SELECT CONCAT(employees.first_name, ' ', employees.last_name) AS employee_name, salaries.salary
FROM employees JOIN salaries ON employees.emp_no = salaries.emp_no
WHERE salaries.salary = (SELECT MAX(salaries.salary) FROM salaries);
Display the first name, last name, and salary of the second highest payed employee.
SELECT CONCAT(employees.first_name, ' ', employees.last_name) AS employee_name, salaries.salary
FROM employees JOIN salaries ON employees.emp_no = salaries.emp_no
WHERE salaries.salary < (SELECT MAX(salaries.salary) FROM salaries)
ORDER BY salaries.salary DESC
Display the month and total hires for the month with the most hires.
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(hire_date, '%M') AS month, COUNT(*) AS total_hires
FROM employees
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY total_hires DESC
Display each department and the age of the youngest employee at hire date.
SELECT dept.dept_name,
MIN(TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, e.birth_date, e.hire_date)) AS age_hire_date
FROM employees e
JOIN dept_emp d_emp ON e.emp_no = d_emp.emp_no
JOIN departments dept ON d_emp.dept_no = dept.dept_no
GROUP BY dept.dept_name
Find all the employees that do not contain vowels in their first name and display the department they work in.
SELECT e.first_name, dep.dept_name
FROM employees e JOIN dept_emp de ON e.emp_no = de.emp_no
JOIN departments dep ON de.dept_no = dep.dept_no
WHERE e.first_name NOT LIKE '%a%'
AND e.first_name NOT LIKE '%e%'
AND e.first_name NOT LIKE '%i%'
AND e.first_name NOT LIKE '%o%'
AND e.first_name NOT LIKE '%u%'
I think there is an error in Problem 3.
Should be