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Created May 15, 2013 06:51
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PHP's error constants
$errors = [
foreach($errors as $error) {
printf("%'015b - %s\n", constant($error), $error);
000000000000001 - E_ERROR
000000000000010 - E_WARNING
000000000000100 - E_PARSE
000000000001000 - E_NOTICE
000000000010000 - E_CORE_ERROR
000000000100000 - E_CORE_WARNING
000000001000000 - E_COMPILE_ERROR
000000010000000 - E_COMPILE_WARNING
000000100000000 - E_USER_ERROR
000001000000000 - E_USER_WARNING
000010000000000 - E_USER_NOTICE
000100000000000 - E_STRICT
001000000000000 - E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
010000000000000 - E_DEPRECATED
100000000000000 - E_USER_DEPRECATED
111011111111111 - E_ALL
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