First, install Samba:
sudo apt-get install samba
Now, you have to setup Samba to be accessed only by your user (that we'll call whatyouhide
). First, be sure that the whatyouhide
Unix user exists. Then, set a Samba password for it:
-module(connection). | |
-behaviour(gen_statem). | |
-export([start_link/1, request/2]). | |
-export([callback_mode/0, init/1]). | |
-export([disconnected/3, connected/3]). | |
%% Public API. | |
start_link(Opts) -> |
defmodule TestDefp do | |
defmacro __using__(_) do | |
quote do | |
import Kernel, except: [defp: 2] | |
end | |
end | |
# Let's redefine `defp/2` so that if MIX_ENV is `test`, the function will be | |
# defined with `def/2` instead of `defp/2`. | |
defmacro defp(fun, body) do |