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Last active December 31, 2021 09:28
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test knapsack, basic dynamic programing problem
import random
import functools
def pack_prestore(ws, avail, vs=None):
ws: weight list, integer
vs: value list; if None, reduced to subset sum problem
use cache to pre store recursive value
return optimal value
cache = {} # {(i, w): optimal}
# i: subset from {0,...i}
# w: space available(max allowed)
n = len(ws)
for i in range(-1, n):
# assume discrete capacities
for w in range(0, avail + 1):
if i < 0:
cache[(i, w)] = 0
elif w < ws[i]:
cache[(i, w)] = cache[(i - 1), w]
# packing problem or subset problem
v = vs and vs[i] or ws[i]
cache[(i, w)] = max(cache[(i - 1, w)],
cache[(i - 1, w - ws[i])] + v)
return cache[(n - 1, avail)]
def pack_recursive(ws, avail, vs=None):
def calc(i, w):
if i < 0:
return 0
if ws[i] > w:
return calc(i - 1, w)
# packing problem or subset problem
v = vs and vs[i] or ws[i]
return max(calc(i - 1, w),
calc(i - 1, w - ws[i]) + v)
opt = calc(len(ws) - 1, avail)
return opt
# how to test efficiently:
def test_pack(pack_fn, ws, avail, vs=None):
opt = pack_fn(ws, avail)
f"fn: {pack_fn.__name__}, ws: {ws}, vs: {vs}, avail: {avail}, opt: {opt}"
return opt
def test_case(ws, avail, vs=None):
last = None
for fn in (pack_prestore, pack_recursive):
for ws_ in (ws, sorted(ws, reverse=True)):
res = test_pack(fn, tuple(ws_), avail)
if last:
assert last == res, f"{fn.__name__}, {ws}, {res} != {last}"
last = res
def test():
for (ws, avail) in (
((2, 2, 3), 6),
([random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(10)], 50),
test_case(ws, avail)
def test_random(fn):
N = 10
capacity = int(N * 100 / 5)
print(f"N: {N}, capacity: {capacity}")
# [(weight, value)] to shuffle together
wvs = [(1.0 + random.random() * 99, 1.0 + random.random() * 500) for _ in range(N)]
last = None
n = 10 # shuffle times
for i in range(n):
if i < n - 2:
# sorted order by ws
reverse = (i == n - 1)
wvs = sorted(wvs, reverse=reverse, key=lambda kv: kv[0])
print(f"{wvs}: reverse: {reverse}")
ws, vs = list(zip(*wvs))
optimal = fn(ws, capacity, vs)
if last:
assert round(last, 6) == round(optimal, 6), f"{fn.__name__}, ws: {ws}, vs: {vs}, {optimal} != {last}"
last = optimal
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test()
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