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Created January 19, 2014 12:36
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Windowing/layout experiments.
(ns slide.window
(:use [dommy.core :only [set-style!]]
[dommy.template :only [PElement]]))
(defprotocol PWindow
(parent [this])
(position [this])
(size [this])
#_(set-parent! [this par])
#_(set-position! [this pos])
#_(set-size! [this s]))
(defprotocol PTransparentWindow
(opacity [this])
(set-opacity! [this s]))
(defn size-to-css [v]
(cond (integer? v) (str v "px")
(= v :auto) "auto"))
(extend-protocol PWindow
(parent [this] (.-parentNode this))
(position [this] {:top (.-clientTop this) :left (.-clientLeft this)})
(size [this] {:width (.-clientWidth this) :height (.-clientHeight this)})
(parent [this] nil)
(position [this] {:top (.-clientTop this) :left (.-clientLeft this)})
(size [this] {:width (.-clientWidth this) :height (.-clientHeight this)}))
; responsible for position and browsing of level-order
(defprotocol PWindowManager
(root-window [this])
(cycle-children [this]))
(defprotocol PInputHandler
(on-focus [this])
(on-unfocus [this]))
(defrecord SingleWindowManager [root-window decorator]
(root-window [this] root-window)
(cycle-children [this] nil))
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