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Created February 1, 2014 15:49
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Straight port from line plotting example to cljs.
(ns d3-line-plot-test)
(def margins {:top 20
:right 20
:bottom 30
:left 50})
(def totalwidth 960)
(def totalheight 500)
(def width (- totalwidth (margins :left) (margins :right)))
(def height (- totalheight (margins :top) (margins :bottom)))
(def x (-> js/d3.time
(.range (clj->js [0 width]))))
(def y (-> js/d3.scale
(.range (clj->js [height 0]))))
(def xAxis (-> js/d3.svg
(.scale x)
(.orient "bottom")))
(def yAxis (-> js/d3.svg
(.scale y)
(.orient "left")))
(def line (-> js/d3.svg
(.x #(x (.-date %)))
(.y #(y (.-close %)))))
(def svg (-> (js/ "body")
(.append "svg")
(.attr "width" totalwidth)
(.attr "height" totalheight)
(.append "g")
(.attr "transform" (str "translate(" (margins :left) "," (margins :top) ")"))))
(def parse-date (.-parse (.format js/d3.time "%d-%b-%y")))
(defn load [err data]
(doall (map #(do (set! (.-date %) (parse-date (.-date %)))
(set! (.-close %) (js/parseFloat (.-close %)))) data))
(.domain x (.extent js/d3 data #(.-date %)))
(.domain y (.extent js/d3 data #(.-close %)))
(-> svg
(.append "g")
(.attr "class" "x axis")
(.attr "transform" (str "translate(0," height ")"))
(.call xAxis))
(-> svg
(.append "g")
(.attr "class" "y axis")
(.call yAxis)
(.append "text")
(.attr "transform" "rotate(-90)")
(.attr "y" 6)
(.attr "dy" ".71em")
(.style "text-anchor" "end")
(.text "Price ($)"))
(-> svg
(.append "path")
(.datum data)
(.attr "class" "line")
(.attr "d" line)))
#_(.tsv js/d3 "line-plot-data.tsv" load)
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