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Created November 22, 2019 09:59
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let starterChanges$ = of(null);
const starter = this.frm.get('starter');
if (starter) {
starterChanges$ = starter.valueChanges;
let spreadChanges$ = of(null);
const spread = this.frm.get('spread');
if (spread) {
spreadChanges$ = spread.valueChanges;
combineLatest([starterChanges$, spreadChanges$]).subscribe(
([st = 0, sp = 0]) => {
let current = 0;
if (typeof st === 'number' && typeof sp === 'number') {
for (const control of this.orders.controls) {
if (!current) {
current = current + st + sp;
} else {
current = current + sp;
control.patchValue({ spread: current });
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