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Last active May 10, 2016 21:20
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Model by Clusters
{"description": "A script that generates a cluster and a set of models from its centroid datasets",
"name": "Model by Clusters",
"inputs": [{"name": "source-id", "type": "source-id"}],
"outputs": [{"name": "dataset-id", "type": "dataset-id", "description": "Full dataset from input source"},
{"name": "cluster-id", "type": "cluster-id", "description": "G-means cluster from full dataset"},
{"name": "models", "type": "map", "description": "Map from centroid id to associated predictive model"},
{"name": "names", "type": "map", "description": "Map from centroid id to centroid name"},
{"name": "evaluations", "type": "map", "description": "Evaluations for each of the per centroid models"}]}
;; Given a source, finds out clusters using G-means, and creates
;; predictive models for each cluster.
;; Samples a dataset with a given rate (between 0 and 1) and getting
;; the sampled rows (oob = false) or the complementary ones (oob = true),
;; using a fixed seed.
(define (sample-dataset ds-id rate oob)
(create-dataset {"sample_rate" rate
"origin_dataset" ds-id
"out_of_bag" oob
"seed" "whizzml-example"}))
;; Creates a model with 80% of the input dataset, evaluates it
;; with the remaining 20%. Returns the model and evaluation ids.
(define (evaluate-model-on-dataset ds-id)
(let (training-id (sample-dataset ds-id 0.8 false)
test-id (sample-dataset ds-id 0.8 true)
_ (wait training-id)
model-id (create-model {"dataset" training-id})
_ (wait* [test-id model-id])
ev-id (create-evaluation {"model" model-id "dataset" test-id}))
{"model" model-id
"training" training-id
"test" test-id
"evaluation" ev-id}))
(define (create-evaluations ds-ids)
(let (mds (map evaluate-model-on-dataset ds-ids))
(for (md mds)
(let (mid (get md "model")
eid (get md "evaluation"))
(wait eid)
(delete* [mid (get md "training") (get md "test")])
(fetch eid)))))
(define (create-centroid-datasets cluster-id centroid-ids)
(wait* (create* "dataset" (for (id centroid-ids)
{"cluster" cluster-id "centroid" id}))))
(define (create-centroid-models dataset-ids)
(create* "model" (for (id dataset-ids) {"dataset" id})))
(define (centroids-prop cluster prop)
(let (cs (get-in cluster ["clusters" "clusters"]))
(map (lambda (c) (get c prop)) cs)))
;; Given a dataset id, creates a cluster and models for each of the
;; resulting centroid datasets. Returns the cluster-id, a map from
;; centroid id to its model, a map to centroid id to their names, and
;; a map from centroid id to the evaluation.
(define (make-cluster-models ds-id)
(let (cluster-id (create-and-wait-cluster {"dataset" ds-id})
cluster (fetch cluster-id)
cid (get cluster "resource")
cids (centroids-prop cluster "id")
cnames (centroids-prop cluster "name")
ds-ids (create-centroid-datasets cid cids)
mod-ids (create-centroid-models ds-ids)
evs (create-evaluations ds-ids))
[cid (make-map cids mod-ids) (make-map cids cnames) (make-map cids evs)]))
(define dataset-id (create-and-wait-dataset {"source" source-id}))
(define full-result (make-cluster-models dataset-id))
(define cluster-id (nth full-result 0))
(define models (nth full-result 1))
(define names (nth full-result 2))
(define evaluations (nth full-result 3))
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