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Last active May 10, 2016 21:22
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Stacked generalization

Objective: Improve predictions by modeling the output scores of multiple trained models.

  • Create a training and a holdout set
  • Create n different models on the training set (with some difference among them; e.g., single-tree vs. ensemble vs. logistic regression)
  • Make predictions from those models on the holdout set
  • Train a model to predict the class based on the other models' predictions

The example library below implements this algorithm using a decision tree, a random forest, a bagging ensemble and a logistic regression as the stack of models.

Using the stacking library

To create a stack of models and their metamodel

One just needs to call (make-stack) and save the result as one of the script's outputs:

(define stack (make-stack dataset-id))

The input of the script will be just the dataset that we want to model.

To make predictions given the execution

A prediction is made by scoring the input data over the models and then using those predictions to make a final prediction using the metamodel. All that is needed is to call make-stack-prediction with the appropriate parameters, extracted from the execution's outputs. A simple script could look like this:

(define (make-prediction exec-id input-data)
  (let (exec (fetch exec-id)
        stack (nth (head (get-in exec ["execution" "outputs"])) 1)
        models (get stack "models")
        metamodel (get stack "metamodel"))
    (when (get stack "result")
      (try (make-stack-prediction models metamodel {})
           (catch e (log-info "Error: " e) false)))))

(define prediction-id (make-prediction exec-id input-data))
(define prediction (when prediction-id (fetch prediction-id)))
;; Stacking modeling library
;; Main exports:
;; (make-stack dataset-id) - to create the stacked models
;; (make-stack-prediction models metamodel input-data) -
;; to use the above to make predictions
;; Auxiliary function splitting a dataset
(define (split-dataset ds-id rate)
(let (seed (str (rand-int 1000) (rand-int 1000)))
[(create-dataset {"sample_rate" rate
"origin_dataset" ds-id
"out_of_bag" false
"seed" seed})
(create-dataset {"sample_rate" rate
"origin_dataset" ds-id
"out_of_bag" true
"seed" seed})]))
;; Split a dataset and wait until both halves are finished
(define (split-dataset-and-wait ds-id rate)
(wait* (split-dataset ds-id rate)))
;; Extract for a batchpredction its associated dataset of results
(define (batch-dataset id)
(wait (get (fetch id) "output_dataset_resource")))
;; Create a batchprediction for the given model and datasets,
;; with a map of additional options and using defaults appropriate
;; for model stacking
(define (make-batch ds-id mod-id opts)
(create-batchprediction (merge {"all_fields" true
"output_dataset" true
"dataset" ds-id
"prediction_name" (resource-type mod-id)
"model" (wait mod-id)}
;; Auxiliary function extracting the model_inputs of a model
(define (model-inputs mod-id)
(get (fetch mod-id) "input_fields"))
;; Auxiliary function to create the set of stack models
(define (create-stack-models train-id)
[(create-model {"dataset" train-id})
(create-ensemble {"dataset" train-id
"number_of_models" 20
"randomize" false})
(create-ensemble {"dataset" train-id
"number_of_models" 20
"randomize" true})
(create-logisticregression {"dataset" train-id})])
;; Auxiliary funtion to successively create batchpredictions using the
;; given models over the initial dataset ds-id. Returns the final
;; dataset id.
(define (create-stack-predictions models ds-id)
(reduce (lambda (did mid)
(batch-dataset (wait (make-batch did mid {}))))
ds-id models))
;; Splits the given dataset, using half of it to create
;; an heterogeneous collection of models and the other
;; half to train a tree that predicts based on those other
;; models predictions. Returns a map with the collection
;; of models (under the key "models") and the meta-prediction
;; as the value of the key "metamodel". The key "result"
;; has as value a boolean flag indicating whether the
;; process was successful.
(define (make-stack dataset-id)
(let (ids (split-dataset-and-wait dataset-id 0.5)
train-id (nth ids 0)
hold-id (nth ids 1)
models (create-stack-models train-id)
id (create-stack-predictions models hold-id)
orig-fields (model-inputs (head models))
obj-id (dataset-get-objective-id train-id)
meta-id (create-and-wait-model {"dataset" id
"excluded_fields" orig-fields
"objective_field" obj-id})
success? (resource-done? (fetch meta-id)))
{"models" models "metamodel" meta-id "result" success?}))
;; Use the models and metamodels computed by make-stack
;; to make a prediction on the input-data map. Returns
;; the identifier of the prediction object.
(define (make-stack-prediction models meta-model input-data)
(let (preds (map (lambda (m) (create-prediction {"model" m
"input_data" input-data}))
preds (map (lambda (p)
(head (values (get (fetch p) "prediction"))))
meta-input (make-map (model-inputs meta-model) preds))
(create-prediction {"model" meta-model "input_data" meta-input})))
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