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Created June 10, 2023 00:27
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COMPtr implementnationn
#pragma once
#include <Unknwn.h>
#include <exception>
template <typename T> struct COMPtrOut
inline COMPtrOut() = delete;
inline COMPtrOut(const COMPtrOut&) = delete;
inline COMPtrOut(IUnknown** ptr) noexcept : m_pptr(ptr)
inline operator T**() const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<T**>(m_pptr);
inline operator void**() const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<void**>(m_pptr);
IUnknown** m_pptr{};
template <typename T> struct COMPtrInOut
inline COMPtrInOut() = delete;
inline COMPtrInOut(const COMPtrInOut&) = delete;
inline COMPtrInOut(::IUnknown** ptr) noexcept
: m_pptr(ptr), m_previous(*ptr)
inline ~COMPtrInOut()
if (m_previous && m_previous != *m_pptr)
inline operator T**() const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<T**>(m_pptr);
inline operator void**() const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<void**>(m_pptr);
::IUnknown** m_pptr{};
::IUnknown* m_previous{};
template <typename T> struct COMPtr
static inline auto static_uuid = __uuidof(T);
using type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
// Very similar to std::inout_ptr()
inline auto InOut() noexcept -> COMPtrInOut<T>
return COMPtrInOut<T>{&_ptr};
// Very similar to std::out_ptr()
inline auto Out() noexcept -> COMPtrOut<T>
return COMPtrOut<T>{&_ptr};
// Ptr operations:
inline auto operator->() noexcept -> pointer
return Get();
inline auto operator->() const noexcept -> const pointer
return Get();
inline auto operator*() noexcept -> reference
return *Get();
inline auto operator*() const noexcept -> const reference
return *Get();
inline operator pointer() noexcept
return Get();
inline operator const pointer() const noexcept
return Get();
// Boolean operations:
inline operator bool() const noexcept
return Get() != nullptr;
inline auto operator!() const noexcept -> bool
return Get() == nullptr;
inline auto operator==(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept -> bool
return Get() == nullptr;
inline auto operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept -> bool
return Get() != nullptr;
// Comparison operations:
template <template <class> class COMT, typename T2>
inline auto operator==(const COMT<T2>& other) const noexcept -> bool
requires std::equality_comparable_with<T*, T2*>
return Get() == other.Get();
template <template <class> class COMT, typename T2>
inline auto operator!=(const COMT<T2>& other) const noexcept -> bool
requires std::equality_comparable_with<T*, T2*>
return Get() != other.Get();
// Constructors:
inline COMPtr() noexcept : _ptr(nullptr)
inline COMPtr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : _ptr(nullptr)
template <typename PtrT>
inline COMPtr(PtrT ptr) noexcept
requires std::derived_from<PtrT, T>
_ptr = ptr;
inline COMPtr(::IUnknown* ptr)
if (std::is_same_v<T, ::IUnknown>)
_ptr = ptr;
::IUnknown* ptemp{};
const auto hr = ptr->QueryInterface(
static_uuid, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&ptemp));
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
throw std::exception(
"QueryInterface failed, ptr will not be released!");
_ptr = ptemp;
// MIGHT be different, but if not we still need to release
// (QueryInterface will AddRef)
template <template <class> class COMT, typename T2>
inline COMPtr(const COMT<T2>& other) noexcept
requires std::convertible_to<T2*, T*>
_ptr = other._ptr;
template <template <class> class COMT, typename T2>
inline COMPtr(COMT<T2>&& other) noexcept
requires std::convertible_to<T2*, T*>
_ptr = other._ptr;
other._ptr = nullptr;
// Destructor:
inline ~COMPtr()
// Assignment operators:
inline auto operator=(std::nullptr_t)
inline auto operator=(::IUnknown* ptr)
if (std::is_same_v<T, ::IUnknown>)
::IUnknown* ptemp{};
const auto hr = ptr->QueryInterface(
static_uuid, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&ptemp));
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
throw std::exception(
"QueryInterface failed, ptr will not be released!");
_ptr = ptemp;
// MIGHT be different, but if not we still need to release
// (QueryInterface will AddRef)
template <typename PtrT>
inline auto operator=(PtrT ptr) noexcept
requires (std::derived_from<PtrT, T> && !std::same_as<PtrT, ::IUnknown>)
template <template <class> class COMT, typename T2>
inline auto operator=(const COMT<T2>& other) noexcept
requires std::convertible_to<T2*, T*>
template <template <class> class COMT, typename T2>
inline auto operator=(COMT<T2>&& other) noexcept
requires std::convertible_to<T2*, T*>
other._ptr = nullptr;
// Member functions:
inline auto Get() noexcept -> pointer
return reinterpret_cast<pointer>(_ptr);
inline auto Get() const noexcept -> const pointer
return reinterpret_cast<const pointer>(_ptr);
inline auto Reset(::IUnknown* ptr = nullptr) -> void
_ptr = ptr;
inline auto Release() -> void
if (_ptr)
_ptr = nullptr;
inline auto AddRef() -> void
if (_ptr)
::IUnknown* _ptr{};
COMPtr<::IDXGISwapChain1> swapChain{};
if (SUCCEEDED(m_dxgiFactory->CreateSwapChainForHwnd(
m_d3dCommandQueue.Get(), m_hwnd,
&swapChainDesc, nullptr, nullptr, swapChain.Out())))
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