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Created August 25, 2017 13:04
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Building SQLAlchemy engine with ATTACHed schema
# coding: utf-8
import sqlite3
from types import ModuleType
def sqlite_attached(schema_map):
mod = ModuleType('', 'sqlite3_attach_%08x' %(id(schema_map)))
for k, v in vars(sqlite3).items():
if k not in ['connect']:
setattr(mod, k, v)
def connect_with_attach(*args, **kwargs):
con = sqlite3.connect(*args, **kwargs)
for schema, filename in schema_map.items():
con.execute("ATTACH '?1' AS ?2", (filename, schema))
return con
mod.connect = connect_with_attach
return mod
def demo():
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import column, select, table
db_map = {
'db1': '/tmp/database1.db',
'db2': '/tmp/database2.db',
e = create_engine('sqlite://', module=sqlite_attached(db_map))
e.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db1.t1')
e.execute('CREATE TABLE db1.t1 (id integer, msg varchar)')
e.execute("INSERT INTO db1.t1 VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two')")
e.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db2.t2')
e.execute('CREATE TABLE db2.t2 (id integer, msg varchar)')
e.execute("INSERT INTO db2.t2 VALUES (1, 'mono'), (2, 'di')")
t1 = table('t1', column('id'), column('msg')); t1.schema='db1'
t2 = table('t2', column('id'), column('msg')); t2.schema='db2'
t1_t2 = t1.join(t2, onclause=(
for row in e.execute(select([t1])):
for row in e.execute(select([t2])):
exp = select([, t1.c.msg, t2.c.msg], from_obj=t1_t2)
for row in e.execute(exp):
if __name__ == '__main__':
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