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Created April 23, 2012 18:01
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How to install Graphite on Vagrant with Chef

Here are some quick notes on installing Graphite on a Vagrant virtual machine using Chef recipes from GitHub. This more or less assumes you know what you're doing with Vagrant and Chef.


  • I used the "lucid32" Ubuntu base box you see in most Vagrant examples (
  • Where possible, I used the cookbooks from Opscode. I was forced to use alternatives for Python (did not work for me) and for Graphite (no Opscode cookbook as of now).
  • The Graphite recipe depends on the Python, Apache2, and runit recipes.
  • I'm running the apt recipe first to update the Ubuntu package manager. The out-of-date manager that ships with the lucid32 box errored out for me when running the Python recipe.

Cookbooks Used do |config| = 'lucid32'
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = 'cookbooks'
chef.add_recipe 'apt'
chef.add_recipe 'graphite'
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Thanks for this, whylom.

Protip to any Chef newbiews who stumble upon this in the future and have trouble setting up the chef-graphite cookbook: if you clone into a cookbooks directory, make sure the directory is named cookbooks/graphite and not cookbooks/chef-graphite or else you will get errors that the recipe "graphite" could not be found.

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whylom commented Jul 3, 2012

Thanks for adding that, mattnworb! That problem bit me many times when I was first using Chef with a variety of cookbooks named "chef-[whatever]".

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Now graphite cookbook also depends on memcached cookbook. Please add it to your description.

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