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Last active March 27, 2017 23:51
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This is a table of error codes and sample messages that may occur during a relay setup. Codes in the 200 range are returned by the relay node. Codes in the 300 range are returned by the destination node.

Code Message Meaning
100 OK Relay was setup correctly
220 "src address too long"
221 "dst address too long"
250 "failed to parse src addr: no such protocol ifps" The <src> multiaddr in the header was invalid
251 "failed to parse dst addr: no such protocol ifps" The <dst> multiaddr in the header was invalid
260 "passive relay has no connection to dst"
261 "active relay could not connect to dst: connection refused" relay could not form new connection to target peer
262 "could not open new stream to dst: BAD ERROR" relay has connection to dst, but failed to open a new stream
270 " does not support relay"
320 "src address too long"
321 "dst address too long"
350 "failed to parse src addr: no such protocol ifps" The <src> multiaddr in the header was invalid
351 "failed to parse dst addr: no such protocol ifps" The <dst> multiaddr in the header was invalid


Peers involved:

  • A, B, R
  • A wants to connect to B, but needs to relay through R


A has connection to R, R has connection to B


  • A opens new stream sAR to R using protocol RELAY
  • A writes Bs multiaddr /ipfs/QmB on sAR
  • R receives stream sAR and reads /ipfs/QmB from it.
  • R opens a new stream sRB to B using protocol RELAY
  • R writes /ipfs/QmB on sRB
  • B receives stream sRB and reads /ipfs/QmB from it.
  • B sees that the multiaddr it read is its own and chooses to handle this stream as an endpoint instead of attempting to relay further
  • TODO: step for R to send back status code to A
  • R now pipes sAR and sRB together
  • TODO: step for B to send back status code to A
  • B passes stream to NewConnHandler to be handled like any other new incoming connection

libp2p relay wire protocol

Peer A wants to connect to peer B through peer R.

maddrA is peer A's multiaddr maddrR is peer R's multiaddr maddrB is peer B's multiaddr maxAddrLen is arbitrarily 1024

Function definitions

Process for reading a multiaddr

We define readLpMaddr to be the following:

Read a Uvarint V from the stream. If the value is higher than maxAddrLen, (write an error message back?) close the stream and halt the relay attempt.

Then read V bytes from the stream and checks if its a valid multiaddr. If it is not a valid multiaddr (write an error back?) close the stream and return.

Opening a relay

Peer A opens a new stream to R on the 'hop' protocol and writes:

<uvarint len(maddrA)><madddrA><uvarint len(maddrB)><madddrB>

It then waits for a response in the form of:

<uvarint error code><uvarint msglength><message>

Once it receives that, it checks if the status code is OK. If it is, it passes the new connection to its NewConnHandler. Otherwise, it returns the error message to the caller.

'hop' protocol handler

Peer R receives a new stream on the 'hop' protocol. It then calls readLpMaddr twice. The first value is <src> and the second is <dst>. Peer R checks to make sure that <src> matches the remote peer of the stream its reading from. If it does not match, it (writes an error back?) closes the stream and halts the relay attempt.

Peer R checks if <dst> refers to itself, if it does, it (writes an error back?) closes the stream and halts the relay attempt. Peer R then checks if it has an open connection to the peer specified by <dst>. If it does not, and the relay is not an "active" relay it (writes an error back) closes the stream, and halts the relay attempt. If R does not have a connection to <dst>, and it is an "active" relay, it attempts to connect to <dst>. If this connection succeeds it continues, otherwise it (writes back an error) closes the stream, and halts the relay attempt. R now opens a new stream to B with the 'stop' relay protocol ID, and writes:

<uvarint len(maddrA)><madddrA><uvarint len(maddrB)><madddrB>

After this, R simply pipes the stream from A and the stream it opened to B together. R's job is complete.

'stop' protocol handler

Peer B receives a new stream on the 'stop' protocol. It then calls readLpMaddr twice on this stream. The first value is <src> and the second value is <dst>. Any error from those calls should be written back accordingly.

B now verifies that <dst> matches its peer ID. It then also checks that <src> is valid. It uses src as the 'remote addr' of the new 'incoming relay connection' it will create.

Peer B now writes back a message of the form:

<uvarint 'OK'><uvarint len(msg)><string "OK">

And passes the relayed connection into its NewConnHandler.

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