""" |
Support for Azure IoT Hub. |
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at |
https://home-assistant.io/components/??? |
""" |
import logging |
import voluptuous as vol |
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv |
from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_state_change |
from homeassistant.const import MATCH_ALL |
from homeassistant.core import callback |
from homeassistant.util import slugify |
REQUIREMENTS = ['azure-iothub-device-client'] |
DOMAIN = 'azureiot' |
ATTR_NAME = 'name' |
DEFAULT_NAME = 'Azure IoT Hub' |
MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "{{\"device\":\"{}\",\"entity\":\"{}\",\"state\":\"\"}}" |
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
CONF_CONNECTIONSTRING = "connection_string" |
CONF_HOST = 'host' |
CONF_DEVICE_ID = 'device_id' |
CONF_AUTH_KEY = 'auth_key' |
CONF_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 'message_timeout' |
CONF_LOG_LEVEL = 'log_level' |
CONF_EXCLUDE = 'exclude' |
CONF_INCLUDE = 'include' |
CONF_DEVICES = 'devices' |
CONF_ENTITIES = 'entities' |
CLIENTS = {} |
# Kolla scripts.py |
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ |
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ |
vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, |
vol.Optional(CONF_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT, default=10000): cv.positive_int, |
vol.Optional(CONF_LOG_LEVEL, default=0): cv.positive_int, |
CONF_DEVICES: vol.Schema({ |
cv.string: vol.All({ |
vol.Required(CONF_AUTH_KEY): cv.string, |
vol.Required(CONF_INCLUDE, default=[]): cv.entity_ids, |
}) |
}) |
}), |
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) |
def setup(hass, config): |
"""Set up is called when Home Assistant is loading our component.""" |
import iothub_client |
from iothub_client import IoTHubClient, IoTHubClientError, IoTHubTransportProvider, IoTHubClientResult |
from iothub_client import IoTHubMessage, IoTHubMessageDispositionResult, IoTHubError, DeviceMethodReturnValue |
@callback |
def _send_confirmation_callback(message, result, user_context): |
_LOGGER.info("Confirmation[%d] received for message with result = %s" % ( |
user_context, result)) |
def iothub_client_init(config, device): |
conn = "HostName={}.azure-devices.net;DeviceId={};SharedAccessKey={}".format( |
config[DOMAIN].get("host"), device[0], device[1].get("auth_key")) |
client = IoTHubClient(conn, IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT) |
# # set the time until a message times out |
client.set_option("messageTimeout", |
client.set_option("logtrace", config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_LOG_LEVEL)) |
return client |
def _publish_to_azure(entity_id, old_state, new_state): |
if new_state is None: |
return |
global CLIENTS |
for device in config[DOMAIN]["devices"].items(): |
include = device[1].get(CONF_INCLUDE) |
if not include or any(entity_id in t for t in include): |
devicename = device[0] |
client = CLIENTS.get(devicename) |
_LOGGER.warn("device {} recieved an update for {}".format(devicename, entity_id)) |
message = IoTHubMessage(MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( |
config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_DEVICE_ID), entity_id, new_state.state)) |
client.send_event_async( |
message, _send_confirmation_callback, MESSAGE_COUNTER) |
hass.states.set("azureiot.{}".format(slugify(devicename)), 'initialized', |
{'error_message': '', |
'count': MESSAGE_COUNTER}) |
# Initialize devices |
for device in config[DOMAIN]["devices"].items(): |
try: |
devicename = device[0] |
CLIENTS[device[0]] = iothub_client_init(config, device) |
hass.states.set("azureiot.{}".format(slugify(device[0])), 'initialized', |
{'error_message': '', |
'count': 0}) |
include = device[1].get(CONF_INCLUDE) |
if not include: |
_LOGGER.info("Setting up {} to listen for all events".format(devicename)) |
async_track_state_change( |
hass, include, _publish_to_azure) |
else: |
_LOGGER.info("Setting up {} to listen for {}".format(devicename, include)) |
async_track_state_change( |
hass, MATCH_ALL, _publish_to_azure) |
except IoTHubClientError as iot_error: |
_LOGGER.error("Azure IoT error: {}".format(iot_error)) |
hass.states.set("azureiot.{}".format(slugify(device[0])), 'error', { |
'error_message': "{}".format(iot_error) |
}) |
# Return boolean to indicate that initialization was successfully. |
return True |
I am having a similar issue to maxperron, "The following components and platforms could not be set up: - azureiot".
I have tried to specify sensors and not at all, but not sure the exact syntax to show all sensors, as you stated: "Note, not specifying any sensors will send all event changes to Azure IoT". Can you provide an example to send all event changes to Azure IoT? I have tried "include: " with nothing after that