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" Vundle"{{{ | |
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required | |
filetype off " required | |
if has('win32') || has('win64') | |
set directory=$HOME\\temp\\ | |
set backupdir=$HOME\\temp\\ | |
set rtp+=~/vimfiles/bundle/Vundle.vim | |
let path='~/vimfiles/bundle' | |
call vundle#begin(path) | |
else | |
set directory=$HOME/temp/ | |
set backupdir=$HOME/temp/ | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim | |
call vundle#begin() | |
endif | |
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required | |
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' | |
"help"{{{ | |
" The following are examples of different formats supported. | |
" Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end. | |
" plugin on GitHub repo | |
" Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' | |
" plugin from http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html | |
" Plugin 'L9' | |
" Git plugin not hosted on GitHub | |
" Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git' | |
" git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin) | |
" Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin' | |
" The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim. | |
" Pass the path to set the runtimepath properly. | |
" Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'} | |
" Avoid a name conflict with L9 | |
" Plugin 'user/L9', {'name': 'newL9'} | |
" Brief help | |
" :PluginList - lists configured plugins | |
" :PluginInstall - installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate | |
" :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache | |
" :PluginClean - confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal | |
"}}} | |
"Plugin 'jceb/vim-orgmode' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/utl.vim' | |
Plugin 'taglist.vim' | |
Plugin 'tpope/vim-repeat' | |
Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar' | |
Plugin 'tpope/vim-speeddating' | |
Plugin 'chrisbra/NrrwRgn' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/SyntaxRange' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/occur.vim' | |
Plugin 'justinmk/vim-sneak' | |
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion' | |
Plugin 'ervandew/supertab' | |
" Plugin 'itchyny/calendar.vim' | |
Plugin 'mattn/calendar-vim' | |
"""mattn/calendar-im http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=52 | |
Plugin 'jlanzarotta/bufexplorer' | |
Plugin 'LargeFile' | |
Plugin 'lpenz/vimcommander' | |
Plugin 'multvals.vim' | |
Plugin 'oplatek/Conque-Shell' | |
Plugin 'project.tar.gz' | |
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree' | |
Plugin 'techlivezheng/vim-plugin-minibufexpl' | |
Plugin 'tmhedberg/matchit' | |
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/EnhCommentify.vim' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/genutils' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/mru.vim' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/pydoc.vim' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/vcscommand.vim' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/YankRing.vim' | |
" Plugin 'maxbrunsfeld/vim-yankstack' | |
Plugin 'vim-scripts/ZoomWin' | |
Plugin 'yegappan/grep' | |
" Plugin 'yegappan/mru' | |
" Plugin 'dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode' | |
" Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki' | |
"vikitasks"{{{ | |
"Plugin 'tomtom/vikitasks_vim' | |
"Plugin 'tomtom/tlib_vim' | |
"Plugin 'tomtom/trag_vim' | |
"Plugin 'tomtom/hookcursormoved_vim' | |
"}}} | |
" Plugin 'klen/python-mode' | |
Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors' | |
"Plugin 'dhruvasagar/vim-dotoo' | |
" Plugin 'vimoutliner/vimoutliner' | |
"Plugin 'aaronbieber/vim-quicktask' | |
" Plugin 'davidoc/taskpaper.vim' | |
Plugin 'jceb/vim-orgmode' | |
"VTD stuff | |
"Plugin 'google/maktaba' | |
"Plugin 'google/glaive' | |
" Install VTD. | |
"Plugin 'chiphogg/vim-vtd' | |
" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line | |
call vundle#end() " required | |
"call glaive#Install() | |
filetype plugin indent on " required | |
" To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use: | |
"filetype plugin on | |
" | |
" | |
"}}} | |
"set verbosefile=~/vimverbose.log | |
"set verbose=15 | |
set diffopt+=iwhite | |
" base behavior settings "{{{ | |
set nocompatible | |
" if v:lang =~ "utf8$" || v:lang =~ "UTF-8$" | |
" set fileencodings=utf-8,latin1 | |
" endif | |
" | |
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running") | |
syntax on | |
endif | |
" | |
" if &term=="xterm" | |
" set t_Sb=^[4%dm | |
" set t_Sf=^[3%dm | |
" set ttymouse=xterm2 | |
" endif | |
if &term =~ '^screen' || &term == "xterm" | |
" tmux knows the extended mouse mode | |
set ttymouse=xterm2 | |
endif | |
filetype plugin on | |
filetype indent on | |
" let mapleader = "\\" | |
let mapleader = "," | |
let maplocalleader = "," | |
set background=dark | |
set nomodeline | |
if has('win32') || has('win64') | |
set fileencodings=utf-8,cp1251,cp866,koi8-r | |
set encoding=utf-8 | |
let &termencoding = &encoding | |
" set fileformats=dos,unix | |
" set fileformat=dos | |
set fileformats=unix,dos | |
set fileformat=unix | |
" set runtimepath=path/to/home.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,path/to/home.vim/after | |
" Отображение кириллицы во внутренних сообщениях программы | |
lan mes ru_RU.UTF-8 | |
" Отображение кириллицы в меню | |
source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim | |
set langmenu=ru_RU.UTF-8 | |
source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim | |
map ,v :e ~/vimfiles/vimrc<CR> | |
autocmd! bufwritepost vimrc source % | |
" set rtp+=~/vimfiles/bundle/Vundle.vim | |
" let path='~/vimfiles/bundle' | |
" call vundle#begin(path) | |
else | |
set fileencodings=utf-8,cp1251,cp866,koi8-r | |
set encoding=utf-8 | |
let &termencoding = &encoding | |
set fileformats=unix,dos | |
set fileformat=unix | |
" set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim | |
map ,v :e ~/.vimrc<CR> | |
autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source % | |
" map ,i :e ~/notes/index.txt<CR> | |
" map ,t :e ~/notes/todo.txt<CR> | |
map ,m :e ~/notes/memo.txt<CR> | |
endif | |
" set langmap=Ј`,Кq,Гw,Хe,Лr,Еt,Оy,Зu,Ыi,Эo,Ъp,И[,Я],Жa,Щs,Чd,Бf,Рg,Тh,Пj,Мk,Дl,Ь',Сz,Юx,Уc,Нv,Йb,Фn,Шm,А.,і~,кQ,гW,хE,лR,еT,оY,зU,ыI,эO,ъP,и{,я},жA,щS,чD,бF,рG,тH,пJ,мK,дL,ц:,ь\",юX,уC,нV,йB,фN,шM,в<,а>,В\,,Ц\\; | |
" set langmap=ёйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЁЙЦУКЕHГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ;`qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl\\;'zxcvbnm\\,.~QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\\"ZXCVBNM<> | |
" set langmap=ёйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЁЙЦУКЕHГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ;`qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,.~QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<> | |
" best | |
" set langmap=!\\"№\\;%?*ёйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЁЙЦУКЕHГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ;!@#$%&*`qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl\\;'zxcvbnm\\,.~QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\\"ZXCVBNM<> | |
"{{{ | |
" map ё ` | |
" map й q | |
" map ц w | |
" map у e | |
" map к r | |
" map е t | |
" map н y | |
" map г u | |
" map ш i | |
" map щ o | |
" map з p | |
" map х [ | |
" map ъ ] | |
" map ф a | |
" map ы s | |
" map в d | |
" map а f | |
" map п g | |
" map р h | |
" map о j | |
" map л k | |
" map д l | |
" map ж ; | |
" map э ' | |
" map я z | |
" map ч x | |
" map с c | |
" map м v | |
" map и b | |
" map т n | |
" map ь m | |
" map б , | |
" map ю . | |
" map Ё ~ | |
" map Й Q | |
" map Ц W | |
" map У E | |
" map К R | |
" map Е T | |
" map Н Y | |
" map Г U | |
" map Ш I | |
" map Щ O | |
" map З P | |
" map Х { | |
" map Ъ } | |
" map Ф A | |
" map Ы S | |
" map В D | |
" map А F | |
" map П G | |
" map Р H | |
" map О J | |
" map Л K | |
" map Д L | |
" map Ж : | |
" map Э " | |
" map Я Z | |
" map Ч X | |
" map С C | |
" map М V | |
" map И B | |
" map Т N | |
" map Ь M | |
" map Б < | |
" map Ю > | |
"}}} | |
" set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255 | |
" set langmap=ФИСВУАПРШОЛДЬТЩЗЙКЫЕГМЦЧНЯ;ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,фисвуапршолдьтщзйкыегмцчня;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | |
set keymap=russian-jcukenwin | |
set iminsert=0 | |
set imsearch=0 | |
highlight lCursor guifg=NONE guibg=Cyan | |
"setlocal spell spelllang=ru_yo,en_us | |
set spelllang=ru_yo,en_us | |
" переключение на русскую/английскую раскладку по Alt-Space | |
""cmap <silent> <A-Space> <C-^> | |
"imap <silent> <A-Space> <C-^>X<Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR>a<C-H> | |
"nmap <silent> <A-Space> a<C-^><Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR> | |
"vmap <silent> <A-Space> <Esc>a<C-^><Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR>gv | |
"cmap <silent> <A-f> <C-^> | |
"imap <silent> <A-f> <C-^>X<Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR>a<C-H> | |
"nmap <silent> <A-f> a<C-^><Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR> | |
"vmap <silent> <A-f> <Esc>a<C-^><Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR>gv | |
map <A-Space> <C-^> | |
imap <A-Space> <C-^>X<Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR>a<C-H> | |
map <A-f> <C-^> | |
imap <A-f> <C-^>X<Esc>:call MyKeyMapHighlight()<CR>a<C-H> | |
" Переключение раскладок и индикация выбранной в данный момент раскладки --> | |
" При английской раскладке статусная строка текущего окна будет синего цвета, а при русской - красного | |
function! MyKeyMapHighlight() | |
if &iminsert == 0 | |
hi StatusLine ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=DarkBlue | |
else | |
hi StatusLine ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=DarkRed | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" Вызываем функцию, чтобы она установила цвета при запуске Vim'a | |
call MyKeyMapHighlight() | |
" При изменении активного окна будет выполняться обновление индикации текущей раскладки | |
au WinEnter * :call MyKeyMapHighlight() | |
" <-- | |
set cm=blowfish | |
set visualbell | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start | |
set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,] | |
set selectmode=mouse,key | |
set nobackup | |
set showcmd | |
set showmatch | |
set showmode | |
" set magic | |
set esckeys | |
set incsearch | |
set mouse=a | |
set autoindent | |
set nohlsearch | |
set hidden | |
set nowrap | |
set ignorecase | |
let g:python_highlight_all = 1 | |
set helplang=en | |
set noautowrite | |
set shiftwidth=4 | |
set tabstop=8 | |
set softtabstop=4 | |
set expandtab | |
set wildchar=<TAB> | |
set ttyfast | |
" set splitbelow | |
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:<,eol:$,extends:>,precedes:< | |
" set wrap | |
set virtualedit=block | |
set tagbsearch | |
set wildmenu | |
set wcm=<Tab> | |
set wildmode=longest,full | |
set wmh=0 | |
set switchbuf="useopen" | |
set modelines=0 | |
" set clipboard=unnamed | |
set lazyredraw | |
set ruler | |
set statusline=%<[%n]\ %F\ \ Filetype=\%Y\ \ %r\ %1*%m%*%w%=%(Line:\ %l%)%4(%)Column:\ %5(%c%V/%{strlen(getline(line('.')))}%)\ %4(%)%p%% | |
" set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]\ [TYPE=%Y]\ [ASCII=\%03.3b]\ [HEX=\%02.2B]\ [POS=%04l,%04v][%p%%]\ [LEN=%L] | |
" set statusline=%=%f\ \"%F\"\ %m%R\ [%4l(%3p%%):%3c-(0x%2B),%Y] | |
set laststatus=2 " always show the status line | |
" set keymodel=startsel,stopsel | |
set viminfo='20,\"500 " read/write a .viminfo file -- limit regs to 500 lines | |
set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command history | |
set linebreak | |
set showbreak=> | |
set helplang=en | |
" folding | |
set foldmethod=marker | |
"}}} | |
" select user colorscheme and gui font, if we use gvim"{{{ | |
if has("gui_running") | |
" set guifont=Fixed\ Semi-Condensed\ 12 | |
if has('win32') || has('win64') | |
set guifont=Fixedsys:h9:cRUSSIAN | |
else | |
" set guifont=Terminus\ 10 | |
" set guifont=Terminus:h14 | |
" set guifont=PragmataPro\ 10 | |
set guifont=PragmataPro:h15 | |
endif | |
" set guifont=Liberation\ Mono\ 10 | |
" set guifont=Fixed\ 12 | |
set mousehide | |
" set guioptions=agiMrL | |
" set guioptions=aegimrLtT | |
set guioptions=aegimLt | |
" colorscheme putty2 | |
colorscheme hhdyellow2 | |
else | |
colorscheme darkocean | |
endif | |
let g:mycolors = ['hhdyellow2','wintersday','candy','murphy','asu1dark','af','desert','adrian','darkocean','industry','elflord','evening','koehler'] | |
"" nnoremap <F8> :call NextColor(1)<CR> | |
nnoremap <S-F8> :call NextColor(1)<CR> | |
" nnoremap <C-F8> :call NextColor(1)<CR> | |
"}}} | |
" terminal keycodes mappings "{{{ | |
" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
" ЧУФБЧЙФШ maptimeout 5 Ч .screenrc | |
" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
" from suse linux | |
if &term =~ "xterm" | |
let myterm = "xterm" | |
else | |
let myterm = &term | |
endif | |
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "cons[0-9][0-9].*$", "linux", "") | |
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "vt1[0-9][0-9].*$", "vt100", "") | |
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "vt2[0-9][0-9].*$", "vt220", "") | |
let myterm = substitute(myterm, "\\([^-]*\\)[_-].*$", "\\1", "") | |
" Here we define the keys of the NumLock in keyboard transmit mode of xterm | |
" which misses or hasn't activated Alt/NumLock Modifiers. Often not defined | |
" within termcap/terminfo and we should map the character printed on the keys. | |
" if myterm == "xterm" || myterm == "kvt" || myterm == "gnome" | |
" " keys in insert/command mode. | |
" map! <ESC>Oo : | |
" map! <ESC>Oj * | |
" map! <ESC>Om - | |
" map! <ESC>Ok + | |
" map! <ESC>Ol , | |
" map! <ESC>OM | |
" map! <ESC>Ow 7 | |
" map! <ESC>Ox 8 | |
" map! <ESC>Oy 9 | |
" map! <ESC>Ot 4 | |
" map! <ESC>Ou 5 | |
" map! <ESC>Ov 6 | |
" map! <ESC>Oq 1 | |
" map! <ESC>Or 2 | |
" map! <ESC>Os 3 | |
" map! <ESC>Op 0 | |
" map! <ESC>On . | |
" " keys in normal mode | |
" map <ESC>Oo : | |
" map <ESC>Oj * | |
" map <ESC>Om - | |
" map <ESC>Ok + | |
" map <ESC>Ol , | |
" map <ESC>OM | |
" map <ESC>Ow 7 | |
" map <ESC>Ox 8 | |
" map <ESC>Oy 9 | |
" map <ESC>Ot 4 | |
" map <ESC>Ou 5 | |
" map <ESC>Ov 6 | |
" map <ESC>Oq 1 | |
" map <ESC>Or 2 | |
" map <ESC>Os 3 | |
" map <ESC>Op 0 | |
" map <ESC>On . | |
" endif | |
" xterm but without activated keyboard transmit mode | |
" and therefore not defined in termcap/terminfo. | |
" if myterm == "xterm" || myterm == "kvt" || myterm == "gnome" | |
" " keys in insert/command mode. | |
" map! <Esc>[H <Home> | |
" map! <Esc>[F <End> | |
" " Home/End: older xterms do not fit termcap/terminfo. | |
" map! <Esc>[1~ <Home> | |
" map! <Esc>[4~ <End> | |
" " Up/Down/Right/Left | |
" map! <Esc>[A <Up> | |
" map! <Esc>[B <Down> | |
" map! <Esc>[C <Right> | |
" map! <Esc>[D <Left> | |
" " KP_5 (NumLock off) | |
" map! <Esc>[E <Insert> | |
" " PageUp/PageDown | |
" map <ESC>[5~ <PageUp> | |
" map <ESC>[6~ <PageDown> | |
" map <ESC>[5;2~ <PageUp> | |
" map <ESC>[6;2~ <PageDown> | |
" map <ESC>[5;5~ <PageUp> | |
" map <ESC>[6;5~ <PageDown> | |
" " keys in normal mode | |
" map <ESC>[H 0 | |
" map <ESC>[F $ | |
" " Home/End: older xterms do not fit termcap/terminfo. | |
" map <ESC>[1~ 0 | |
" map <ESC>[4~ $ | |
" " Up/Down/Right/Left | |
" map <ESC>[A k | |
" map <ESC>[B j | |
" map <ESC>[C l | |
" map <ESC>[D h | |
" " KP_5 (NumLock off) | |
" map <ESC>[E i | |
" " PageUp/PageDown | |
" map <ESC>[5~ | |
" map <ESC>[6~ | |
" map <ESC>[5;2~ | |
" map <ESC>[6;2~ | |
" map <ESC>[5;5~ | |
" map <ESC>[6;5~ | |
" endif | |
" xterm/kvt but with activated keyboard transmit mode. | |
" Sometimes not or wrong defined within termcap/terminfo. | |
" if myterm == "xterm" || myterm == "kvt" || myterm == "gnome" | |
" " keys in insert/command mode. | |
" map! <Esc>OH <Home> | |
" map! <Esc>OF <End> | |
" map! <ESC>O2H <Home> | |
" map! <ESC>O2F <End> | |
" map! <ESC>O5H <Home> | |
" map! <ESC>O5F <End> | |
" " Cursor keys which works mostly | |
" " map! <Esc>OA <Up> | |
" " map! <Esc>OB <Down> | |
" " map! <Esc>OC <Right> | |
" " map! <Esc>OD <Left> | |
" map! <Esc>[2;2~ <Insert> | |
" map! <Esc>[3;2~ <Delete> | |
" map! <Esc>[2;5~ <Insert> | |
" map! <Esc>[3;5~ <Delete> | |
" map! <Esc>O2A <PageUp> | |
" map! <Esc>O2B <PageDown> | |
" map! <Esc>O2C <S-Right> | |
" map! <Esc>O2D <S-Left> | |
" map! <Esc>O5A <PageUp> | |
" map! <Esc>O5B <PageDown> | |
" map! <Esc>O5C <S-Right> | |
" map! <Esc>O5D <S-Left> | |
" " KP_5 (NumLock off) | |
" map! <Esc>OE <Insert> | |
" " keys in normal mode | |
" map <ESC>OH 0 | |
" map <ESC>OF $ | |
" map <ESC>O2H 0 | |
" map <ESC>O2F $ | |
" map <ESC>O5H 0 | |
" map <ESC>O5F $ | |
" " Cursor keys which works mostly | |
" " map <ESC>OA k | |
" " map <ESC>OB j | |
" " map <ESC>OD h | |
" " map <ESC>OC l | |
" map <Esc>[2;2~ i | |
" map <Esc>[3;2~ x | |
" map <Esc>[2;5~ i | |
" map <Esc>[3;5~ x | |
" map <ESC>O2A ^B | |
" map <ESC>O2B ^F | |
" map <ESC>O2D b | |
" map <ESC>O2C w | |
" map <ESC>O5A ^B | |
" map <ESC>O5B ^F | |
" map <ESC>O5D b | |
" map <ESC>O5C w | |
" " KP_5 (NumLock off) | |
" map <ESC>OE i | |
" endif | |
" if myterm == "linux" | |
" " keys in insert/command mode. | |
" map! <Esc>[G <Insert> | |
" " KP_5 (NumLock off) | |
" " keys in normal mode | |
" " KP_5 (NumLock off) | |
" map <ESC>[G i | |
" endif | |
" This escape sequence is the well known ANSI sequence for | |
" Remove Character Under The Cursor (RCUTC[tm]) | |
" map! <Esc>[3~ <Delete> | |
" map <ESC>[3~ x | |
if myterm == "screen" | |
" tmux will send xterm-style keys when xterm-keys is on | |
execute "set <xUp>=\e[1;*A" | |
execute "set <xDown>=\e[1;*B" | |
execute "set <xRight>=\e[1;*C" | |
execute "set <xLeft>=\e[1;*D" | |
map <Esc>[11~ <F1> | |
map <Esc>[12~ <F2> | |
map <Esc>[13~ <F3> | |
map <Esc>[14~ <F4> | |
map <Esc>[15~ <F5> | |
map <Esc>[17~ <F6> | |
map <Esc>[18~ <F7> | |
map <Esc>[19~ <F8> | |
map <Esc>[20~ <F9> | |
map <Esc>[21~ <F10> | |
map <Esc>[23~ <F11> | |
map <Esc>[24~ <F12> | |
map! <Esc>[11~ <F1> | |
map! <Esc>[12~ <F2> | |
map! <Esc>[13~ <F3> | |
map! <Esc>[14~ <F4> | |
map! <Esc>[15~ <F5> | |
map! <Esc>[17~ <F6> | |
map! <Esc>[18~ <F7> | |
map! <Esc>[19~ <F8> | |
map! <Esc>[20~ <F9> | |
map! <Esc>[21~ <F10> | |
map! <Esc>[23~ <F11> | |
map! <Esc>[24~ <F12> | |
" map! <Esc>[5;3~ <A-PageUp> | |
" map! <Esc>[6;3~ <A-PageDown> | |
endif | |
" inoremap <A-PageDown> :bn<cr> | |
" inoremap <A-PageUp> :bp<cr> | |
if myterm == "xterm" | |
map <Esc>[11~ <F1> | |
map <Esc>[12~ <F2> | |
map <Esc>[13~ <F3> | |
map <Esc>[14~ <F4> | |
map <Esc>[15~ <F5> | |
map <Esc>[17~ <F6> | |
map <Esc>[18~ <F7> | |
map <Esc>[19~ <F8> | |
map <Esc>[20~ <F9> | |
map <Esc>[21~ <F10> | |
map <Esc>[23~ <F11> | |
map <Esc>[24~ <F12> | |
map! <Esc>[11~ <F1> | |
map! <Esc>[12~ <F2> | |
map! <Esc>[13~ <F3> | |
map! <Esc>[14~ <F4> | |
map! <Esc>[15~ <F5> | |
map! <Esc>[17~ <F6> | |
map! <Esc>[18~ <F7> | |
map! <Esc>[19~ <F8> | |
map! <Esc>[20~ <F9> | |
map! <Esc>[21~ <F10> | |
map! <Esc>[23~ <F11> | |
map! <Esc>[24~ <F12> | |
map <Esc>[A <A-Up> | |
map <Esc>[B <A-Down> | |
map <Esc>[D <A-Left> | |
map <Esc>[C <A-Right> | |
map! <Esc>[A <A-Up> | |
map! <Esc>[B <A-Down> | |
map! <Esc>[D <A-Left> | |
map! <Esc>[C <A-Right> | |
map <Esc>[1;3A <A-Up> | |
map <Esc>[1;3B <A-Down> | |
map <Esc>[1;3D <A-Left> | |
map <Esc>[1;3C <A-Right> | |
map! <Esc>[1;3A <A-Up> | |
map! <Esc>[1;3B <A-Down> | |
map! <Esc>[1;3D <A-Left> | |
map! <Esc>[1;3C <A-Right> | |
map <Esc>[D <C-Left> | |
map! <Esc>[D <C-Left> | |
map <Esc>[C <C-Right> | |
map! <Esc>[C <C-Right> | |
map <Esc>[A <C-Up> | |
map! <Esc>[A <C-Up> | |
map <Esc>[B <C-Down> | |
map! <Esc>[B <C-Down> | |
map <Esc>[1;5D <C-Left> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5D <C-Left> | |
map <Esc>[1;5C <C-Right> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5C <C-Right> | |
map <Esc>[1;5A <C-Up> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5A <C-Up> | |
map <Esc>[1;5B <C-Down> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5B <C-Down> | |
map <Esc>[1;2D <S-Left> | |
map! <Esc>[1;2D <S-Left> | |
map <Esc>[1;2C <S-Right> | |
map! <Esc>[1;2C <S-Right> | |
map <Esc>[1;2A <S-Up> | |
map! <Esc>[1;2A <S-Up> | |
map <Esc>[1;2B <S-Down> | |
map! <Esc>[1;2B <S-Down> | |
map <Esc>[1;5H <C-Home> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5H <C-Home> | |
map <Esc>[1;5F <C-End> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5F <C-End> | |
map <M-Esc>[62~ <MouseDown> | |
map! <M-Esc>[62~ <MouseDown> | |
map <M-Esc>[63~ <MouseUp> | |
map! <M-Esc>[63~ <MouseUp> | |
map <M-Esc>[64~ <S-MouseDown> | |
map! <M-Esc>[64~ <S-MouseDown> | |
map <M-Esc>[65~ <S-MouseUp> | |
map! <M-Esc>[65~ <S-MouseUp> | |
map <Esc>[11^ <C-F1> | |
" map <Esc>5P <C-F1> | |
" map! <Esc>[1;5P <C-F1> | |
map <Esc>[1;5Q <C-F2> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5Q <C-F2> | |
map <Esc>[1;5R <C-F3> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5R <C-F3> | |
map <Esc>[1;5S <C-F4> | |
map! <Esc>[1;5S <C-F4> | |
endif | |
"}}} | |
" plugins settings | |
"Calendar plugin"{{{ | |
let g:calendar_monday = 1 | |
let g:calendar_weeknm = 1 " WK01 | |
" let g:calendar_wruler = 'Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su' | |
"let g:calendar_google_calendar = 1 | |
"let g:calendar_google_task = 1 | |
"let g:calendar_week_number=1 | |
"let g:calendar_cyclic_view =1 | |
""let g:calendar_view = "{day}" | |
"let g:calendar_view = "{year/month/week/days/day/clock}" | |
""}}} | |
" yankring"{{{ | |
let g:loaded_yankring = 1 | |
let g:yankstack_map_keys = 0 | |
let g:yankring_enabled = 0 | |
let g:yankring_persist = 0 | |
let g:yankring_history_dir = '$HOME/.vim' | |
let g:yankring_history_file = 'yrh' | |
"}}} | |
"vim-sneak {{{ | |
nmap s <Plug>Sneak_s | |
nmap S <Plug>Sneak_S | |
xmap s <Plug>Sneak_s | |
xmap S <Plug>Sneak_S | |
"}}} | |
" Minibufexpl plugin settings"{{{ | |
let g:loaded_minibufexplorer = 1 | |
"let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1 | |
"let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1 | |
"let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs = 1 | |
let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1 | |
"let g:miniBufExplSplitBelow=0 | |
let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = 2 | |
let g:miniBufExplMinSize = 1 | |
let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 1 | |
let g:miniBufExplForceSyntaxEnable = 1"}}} | |
" Enchanced commentify plugin settings"{{{ | |
let g:EnhCommentifyUseAltKeys = 'No' | |
let g:EnhCommentifyBindInNormal = 'No' | |
let g:EnhCommentifyBindInInsert = 'No' | |
let g:EnhCommentifyBindInVisual = 'No' | |
let g:EnhCommentifyFirstLineMode = 'Yes' | |
" let g:EnhCommentifyTraditionalMode = 'No' | |
let g:EnhCommentifyPretty = 'Yes' | |
let g:EnhCommentifyRespectIndent = 'Yes' | |
" let g:EnhCommentifyUserBindings = 'Yes' | |
vmap <F4> <Plug>VisualFirstLine<CR> | |
nmap <F4> <Plug>FirstLine | |
imap <F4> <Esc><Plug>FirstLineli | |
" }}} | |
" grep plugin settings"{{{ | |
let Grep_Default_Options = '-i' | |
let Grep_Skip_Files = '*.bak *.pyo *.pyc *.o *~ *,v tags' | |
let Grep_Skip_Dirs = 'RCS CVS SCCS .svn db' | |
"let Grep_Default_Filelist = '*.c *.cpp *.asm' | |
let Grep_Default_Filelist = '*'"}}} | |
" project plugin settings"{{{ | |
let g:proj_flags="ist""}}} | |
" VIM-Shell"{{{ | |
" Ctrl_W e opens up a vimshell in a horizontally split window | |
" Ctrl_W E opens up a vimshell in a vertically split window | |
" The shell window will be auto closed after termination | |
nmap <C-W>e :new \| vimshell bash<CR> | |
nmap <C-W>E :vnew \| vimshell bash<CR>"}}} | |
" Most Recently Used plugin"{{{ | |
" let MRU_File = '/home/stalker/.vim/mrufiles' | |
let MRU_Max_Entries = 30 | |
let MRU_Exclude_Files = '^/tmp/.*\|^/var/tmp/.*' " For Unix | |
" let MRU_Window_Height = 15 | |
" let MRU_Use_Current_Window = 1 | |
" let MRU_Auto_Close = 0 | |
"}}} | |
"dbext plugin"{{{ | |
let g:dbext_default_type = 'PGSQL' | |
let g:dbext_default_user = 'postgres' | |
let g:dbext_default_dbname = 'netflow' | |
"}}} | |
"VCSCommand plugin"{{{ | |
let g:VCSCommandVCSType='SVN' | |
let g:VCSCommandMapPrefix='<Leader>s' | |
"}}} | |
"Plugin Python-mode"{{{ | |
let g:pymode_indent = 0 | |
let g:pymode_folding = 0 | |
let g:pymode_options_max_line_length = 999 | |
let g:pymode_options_colorcolumn = 0 | |
" let g:pymode_lint_ignore = "C901" | |
let g:pymode_lint_checkers = ['pyflakes'] | |
let g:pymode_rope = 0 | |
"}}} | |
" EasyMotion"{{{ | |
" <Leader>f{char} to move to {char} | |
map <Leader>f <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f) | |
nmap <Leader>f <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f) | |
" s{char}{char} to move to {char}{char} | |
nmap s <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f2) | |
nmap t <Plug>(easymotion-t2) | |
" Move to line | |
map <Leader>L <Plug>(easymotion-bd-jk) | |
nmap <Leader>L <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line) | |
" Move to word | |
map <Leader>w <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w) | |
nmap <Leader>w <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-w) | |
" Gif config | |
map <Leader>l <Plug>(easymotion-lineforward) | |
map <Leader>j <Plug>(easymotion-j) | |
map <Leader>k <Plug>(easymotion-k) | |
map <Leader>h <Plug>(easymotion-linebackward) | |
let g:EasyMotion_startofline = 0 " keep cursor column when JK motion | |
"}}} | |
" user autocommands "{{{ | |
if has("autocmd") | |
autocmd VimLeave * macaction terminate: | |
" When editing a file, always jump to the last known cursor position. | |
" Don't do it when the position is invalid or when inside an event handler | |
" (happens when dropping a file on gvim). | |
autocmd BufReadPost * | |
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | | |
\ exe "normal g`\"" | | |
\ endif | |
" remap default python bindings when editing python scripts | |
" au FileType python source "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\vim\\scripts\\python.vim" | |
" au FileType python source "~/.vim/scripts/python.vim" | |
" if we are call "svn commit" in shell, then highlight subversion output | |
" au BufRead svn-commit.tmp source ~/.vim/scripts/svn-diff.vim | |
au BufNewFile,BufRead svn-commit.* setf svn | |
au BufNewFile,BufRead svn-log.* setf svn | |
" always cd to the current file's directory | |
" autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | sil! lcd %:p:h | endif | |
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h | |
" autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h | |
endif " has("autocmd") | |
"}}} | |
" base keys remapping "{{{ | |
" remap space in normal mode to open/close folds | |
nnoremap <silent> <space> :exe 'silent! normal! za'.(foldlevel('.')?'':'l')<cr> | |
" remap C-U in insert mode to make undo | |
inoremap <C-u> <Esc>ui | |
" remap C-R in insert mode to make redo | |
" map jk in insert to esc | |
inoremap jk <esc>l | |
inoremap kj <esc>l | |
" inoremap <C-r> <Esc><C-R>i | |
" do not go to start selection after yank text | |
vnoremap y y<CR>`] | |
" remap Ctrl-w sequence in insert mode to normal mode behavior | |
" inoremap <C-w> <C-o><C-w> | |
" remap C-y in insert mode to delete current string | |
" inoremap <C-y> <Esc>ddi | |
" avtoinsert matching braces | |
" imap ( ()<Left> | |
" imap [ []<Left> | |
" imap { {}<Left> | |
" imap " <C-V>"<C-V>"<Left> | |
" complete filenames | |
" inoremap <C-F> <C-X><C-F> | |
inoremap <M-,> <C-c>lbdwi | |
inoremap <M-.> <C-c>ldwi | |
inoremap <M-;> <C-c>lBdWi | |
inoremap <M-'> <C-c>ldWi | |
" map <Cr> mpo<esc>`p | |
" map <M-Cr> mpO<esc>`p | |
"}}} | |
" user key mappings "{{{ | |
command! GREP :execute 'vimgrep /'.expand('<cword>').'/gj '.expand('%') | copen | |
" goto window at up/down/left/right by Alt+Arrows: "{{{ | |
map <silent> <A-Up> :wincmd k<CR> | |
map <silent> <A-k> :wincmd k<CR> | |
map <silent> <A-Down> :wincmd j<CR> | |
map <silent> <A-j> :wincmd j<CR> | |
map <silent> <A-Left> :wincmd h<CR> | |
map <silent> <A-h> :wincmd h<CR> | |
map <silent> <A-Right> :wincmd l<CR> | |
map <silent> <A-l> :wincmd l<CR> | |
imap <silent> <A-Up> <ESC>:wincmd k<CR>i | |
imap <silent> <A-k> <ESC>:wincmd k<CR>i | |
imap <silent> <A-Down> <ESC>:wincmd j<CR>i | |
imap <silent> <A-j> <ESC>:wincmd j<CR>i | |
imap <silent> <A-Left> <ESC>:wincmd h<CR>i | |
imap <silent> <A-h> <ESC>:wincmd h<CR>i | |
imap <silent> <A-Right> <ESC>:wincmd l<CR>i | |
imap <silent> <A-l> <ESC>:wincmd l<CR>i | |
"}}} | |
" Ctrl+Left/Right -- goto left/right word "{{{ | |
nmap <silent> <C-Left> b | |
vmap <silent> <C-Left> b | |
imap <silent> <C-Left> <Esc>lbi | |
nmap <silent> <C-Right> w | |
vmap <silent> <C-Right> w | |
imap <silent> <C-Right> <Esc>lwi | |
"}}} | |
" Shift+Left/Right -- goto left/right WORD"{{{ | |
map <silent> <S-Left> B | |
vmap <silent> <S-Left> B | |
imap <silent> <S-Left> <Esc>lBi | |
map <silent> <S-Right> W | |
vmap <silent> <S-Right> W | |
imap <silent> <S-Right> <Esc>lWi | |
"}}} | |
" Ctrl+Up/Dn -- switch to previous/next buffer"{{{ | |
map <silent> <C-Up> :bp<CR>zz | |
imap <silent> <C-Up> <Esc>:bp<CR>zzi | |
map <silent> <C-Down> :bn<CR>zz | |
imap <silent> <C-Down> <Esc>:bn<CR>zzi | |
"}}} | |
" Shift+Up/Down -- goto first character at up/down line "{{{ | |
map <silent> <S-Up> - | |
imap <silent> <S-Up> <Esc>-i | |
map <silent> <S-Down> + | |
imap <silent> <S-Down> <Esc>+i | |
"}}} | |
"Go to first/last file line by pressing Ctrl+Home/End"{{{ | |
map <silent> <C-Home> 1G0 | |
imap <silent> <C-Home> <Esc>1G0i | |
map <silent> <C-End> G0 | |
imap <silent> <C-End> <Esc>G0i | |
"}}} | |
" increment visually selected block of numbers "{{{ | |
function! Incr() | |
let l = line(".") | |
let c = virtcol("'<") | |
let l1 = line("'<") | |
let l2 = line("'>") | |
if l1 > l2 | |
let a = l - l2 | |
else | |
let a = l - l1 | |
endif | |
if a != 0 | |
exe 'normal '.c.'|' | |
exe 'normal '.a."\<c-a>" | |
endif | |
normal `< | |
endfunction | |
vnoremap <c-a> :call Incr()<cr> | |
"}}} | |
" YankRing completion by tab"{{{ | |
" nmap <Tab> <C-p> | |
" nmap <S-Tab> <C-n> | |
"}}} | |
nmap <Tab> za | |
" create mappings for quick access to frequently used files"{{{ | |
" map ,v :e ~/.vimrc<CR> | |
" autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source % | |
" autocmd! bufwritepost _vimrc source % | |
" map ,i :e ~/notes/index.txt<CR> | |
" map ,t :e ~/notes/todo.txt<CR> | |
" map ,m :e ~/notes/memo.txt<CR> | |
" map ,c :e ~/notes/work_contacts.txt<CR> | |
"}}} | |
" map F2 key to save in all modes | |
imap <F2> <C-O>:w!<CR> | |
map <F2> :w!<CR> | |
" vmap <F2> :w! ~/.vim/clipboard<CR> | |
vmap <F2> "*ygv | |
imap <C-s> <C-O>:w!<CR> | |
map <C-s> :w!<CR> | |
" map F3 key to make selection in all modes | |
imap <F3> <C-c><F3> | |
map <silent> <F3> V | |
nnoremap <silent> <F3> V | |
vmap <F3> <C-c> | |
" python helper | |
" map <F4> :call ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-W>', 1)<CR> | |
" map <F5> :call ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-A>', 1)<CR> | |
" make a visual selection of the lines that have the same indent level or more as the current line "{{{ | |
" function! SelectIndent () | |
" let temp_var=indent(line(".")) | |
" while indent(line(".")-1) >= temp_var | |
" exe "normal h" | |
" endwhile | |
" exe "normal V" | |
" while indent(line(".")+1) >= temp_var | |
" exe "normal j" | |
" endwhile | |
" endfun | |
" nmap <space> :call SelectIndent()<cr> | |
"}}} | |
" ExecuteScript "{{{ | |
function! ExecuteScript(mode) | |
let tempscript="~/temp/tempscript" | |
let myfiletype=&filetype | |
if has('win32') || has('win64') | |
let tempscript="c:\\temp\\tempscript" | |
endif | |
let curr_scr = expand("%:p") | |
" echo myfiletype | |
if myfiletype == "PYTHON" | |
let mycommand = "silent 0r !python " . tempscript | |
if has('win32') || has('win64') | |
let mycommand = "silent 0r !c:\Program Files (x86)\\Python 2.7\python.exe'" . tempscript | |
endif | |
elseif myfiletype == "PS1" | |
" set fileencoding=cp866 | |
let tempscript = curr_scr | |
let mycommand = "silent 0r ++enc=cp866 !powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File " . curr_scr | |
elseif myfiletype == "VB" | |
" set fileencoding=cp866 | |
let tempscript = tempscript . ".vbs" | |
let mycommand = "silent 0r ++enc=cp866 !c:\\windows\\system32\\cscript.exe " . curr_scr . " //nologo" | |
elseif myfiletype == "shell" | |
let mycommand = "silent 0r !bash " . tempscript | |
elseif myfiletype == "postgres" | |
let mycommand = "silent 0r !psql -U postgres netflow -f " . tempscript | |
endif | |
if a:mode != "visual" | |
let mywrcommand = "1,$w! " . tempscript | |
else " we are in visual mode | |
let mywrcommand = "'<,'>w! " . tempscript | |
endif | |
" echom mywrcommand | |
silent execute mywrcommand | |
" echom mycommand | |
" set splitbelow | |
set nosplitbelow | |
set splitright | |
" if myfiletype == "postgres" | |
vnew | |
" else | |
" 15new | |
" endif | |
" set nosplitbelow | |
map <buffer> <silent> f <C-W>o | |
map <buffer> <silent> q :bd!<CR> | |
map <buffer> <silent> <cr> :bd!<CR> | |
" set noswapfile | |
set wrap | |
echom mycommand | |
" echom v:scrollstart | |
silent execute mycommand | |
execute "normal gg" | |
endfunction | |
nmap <F5> :call ExecuteScript("normal")<cr> | |
imap <F5> <C-C>:call ExecuteScript("normal")<cr> | |
vmap <F5> :call ExecuteScript("visual")<cr> | |
"}}} | |
" create improvised clipboard for all vim instances for same user "{{{ | |
" vnoremap <F5> :w! ~/.vim/clipboard<CR>i | |
" vnoremap <S-F5> :w!>> ~/.vim/clipboard<CR>i | |
" nnoremap <F5> :r ~/.vim/clipboard<CR> | |
" inoremap <F5> <Esc>k:r ~/.vim/clipboard<CR>i | |
" }}} | |
" map F6 key to call Project plugin | |
map <silent> <F6> <Plug>ToggleProject | |
" map F7 key to call improvised shell plugin | |
" map <F7> :source /home/stalker/.vim/scripts/vimsh.vim<CR> | |
" user menu. Called by pressing F7"{{{ | |
menu Utilites.windows-1251 :e ++enc=cp1251<CR> | |
menu Utilites.ibm-866 :e ++enc=ibm866<CR> | |
menu Utilites.utf-8 :e ++enc=utf-8 <CR> | |
menu Utilites.koi8-r :e ++enc=koi8-r<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Grep :Grep<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Recursive_Grep :Rgrep<CR> | |
menu Utilites.GrepBuffer :GrepBuffer<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Fgrep :Fgrep<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Recursive_fgrep :Rfgrep<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Egrep :Egrep<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Recursive_egrep :Regrep<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Agrep :Agrep<CR> | |
menu Utilites.Recursive_agrep :Ragrep<CR> | |
map <F7> :emenu Utilites.<TAB> | |
"}}} | |
" map F8 key to ESC | |
" map <F8> <Esc> | |
" map! <F8> <Esc> | |
" map <F8> <C-c> | |
" map! <F8> <C-c> | |
nnoremap <silent> <F8> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> | |
map! <F8> :NERDTree<CR> | |
"" nnoremap <F8> :call NextColor(1)<CR> | |
"nnoremap <S-F8> :call NextColor(-1)<CR> | |
"nnoremap <A-F8> :call NextColor(1)<CR> | |
" nnoremap <silent> <F8> :MBEToggle<CR> | |
" map F9 key to call vimcommander | |
" noremap <silent> <F11> :cal VimCommanderToggle()<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <F9> :cal VimCommanderToggle()<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <F11> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> | |
" map F10 key to quit from vim without saving all open buffers | |
imap <F10> <Esc>:qa!<CR> | |
map <F10> :qa!<CR> | |
" map F11 key to refresh tags in TagList window | |
" nnoremap <silent> <F11> :TlistUpdate<CR> | |
" map F12 key to call TagList window | |
nnoremap <silent> <F12> :Tlist<CR> | |
" map <silent> <F12> :bd!<CR> | |
" map! <silent> <F12> :bd!<CR> | |
"}}} | |
" User abbreviatures "{{{ | |
" iab _pystart #!/usr/bin/env python<CR># -*- coding: koi8-r -*- | |
iab _pystart #!/usr/bin/env python<CR># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-<CR><CR>import sys<CR>reload(sys)<CR>sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')<CR><CR>def main():<CR><tab>if __name__ == "__main__":<CR><tab>main() | |
"}}} | |
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