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Created September 3, 2014 21:05
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private ["_params", "_action"];
// Parameters passed by the action
_params = _this select 3;
_action = _params select 0;
// Handle actions
switch (toLower _action) do
case "action_revive":
[cursorTarget] spawn FAR_HandleRevive;
case "action_stabilize":
[cursorTarget] spawn FAR_HandleStabilize;
case "action_suicide":
player setDamage 1;
case "action_drag":
[cursorTarget] spawn FAR_Drag;
case "action_release":
[] spawn FAR_Release;
//Add deathblow action
case "action_deathblow":
[cursorTarget] spawn FAR_Deathblow;
#include "FAR_defines.sqf"
// Player Actions
FAR_Player_Actions =
if (alive player && player isKindOf "Man") then
// addAction args: title, filename, (arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition, positionInModel, radius, radiusView, showIn3D, available, textDefault, textToolTip)
{ [player, _x] call fn_addManagedAction } forEach
["<t color='#00C900'>" + "Revive" + "</t>", "addons\FAR_revive\FAR_handleAction.sqf", ["action_revive"], 100, true, true, "", FAR_Check_Revive],
["<t color='#00C900'>" + "Stabilize" + "</t>", "addons\FAR_revive\FAR_handleAction.sqf", ["action_stabilize"], 99, true, true, "", FAR_Check_Stabilize],
["<t color='#C9C900'>" + "Drag" + "</t>", "addons\FAR_revive\FAR_handleAction.sqf", ["action_drag"], 98, true, true, "", FAR_Check_Dragging],
["<t color='#C90000'>" + "Deathblow" + "</t>", "addons\FAR_revive\FAR_handleAction.sqf", ["action_deathblow"], 97, true, true, "", FAR_Check_Dragging]
call mf_compile;
// Handle Death
FAR_HandleDamage_EH = "addons\far_revive\FAR_HandleDamage_EH.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Make Player Unconscious
FAR_Player_Unconscious = "addons\far_revive\FAR_Player_Unconscious.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Revive Player
FAR_HandleRevive =
private ["_target", "_medicMove"];
_target = _this select 0;
if (alive _target) then
_target setVariable ["FAR_treatedBy", player, true];
_medicMove = format ["AinvPknlMstpSlayW%1Dnon_medic", [_target, true] call getMoveWeapon];
player playMove _medicMove;
waitUntil {sleep 0.1; animationState player == _medicMove || !CAN_PERFORM};
waitUntil {sleep 0.1; animationState player != _medicMove || !CAN_PERFORM};
if (CAN_PERFORM) then
_target setVariable ["FAR_isUnconscious", 0, true];
// [Debugging] Code below is only relevant if revive script is enabled for AI
if (!isPlayer _target) then
_target setDamage 0;
_target setCaptive false;
_target playMove format ["AmovPpneMstpSrasW%1Dnon", _target call getMoveWeapon];
if (_target getVariable ["FAR_treatedBy", objNull] == player) then
_target setVariable ["FAR_treatedBy", nil, true];
call mf_compile;
// Stabilize Player
FAR_HandleStabilize =
private ["_target", "_medicMove"];
_target = _this select 0;
if (alive _target) then
_target setVariable ["FAR_treatedBy", player, true];
_medicMove = format ["AinvPknlMstpSlayW%1Dnon_medic", [_target, true] call getMoveWeapon];
player playMove _medicMove;
waitUntil {sleep 0.1; animationState player == _medicMove || !CAN_PERFORM};
waitUntil {sleep 0.1; animationState player != _medicMove || !CAN_PERFORM};
if (CAN_PERFORM) then
_target setVariable ["FAR_isStabilized", 1, true];
if (isPlayer _target) then
_target setVariable ["FAR_handleStabilize", true, true];
else // [Debugging] Code below is only relevant if revive script is enabled for AI
_target setDamage 0.25;
if !("Medikit" in items player) then
player removeItem "FirstAidKit";
if (_target getVariable ["FAR_treatedBy", objNull] == player) then
_target setVariable ["FAR_treatedBy", nil, true];
call mf_compile;
// Drag Injured Player
FAR_Drag =
if (primaryWeapon player == "") exitWith
titleText ["You need a primary weapon to be able to drag,\notherwise your player will freeze.\n(Arma 3 bug)", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5];
FAR_isDragging = true;
private ["_target", "_id"];
_target = _this select 0;
player playMoveNow "AcinPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
_target attachTo [player, [0, 1.1, 0.092]];
_target setDir 180;
_target setVariable ["FAR_draggedBy", player, true];
// Rotation fix
FAR_isDragging_EH = _target;
publicVariable "FAR_isDragging_EH";
// Add release action and save its id so it can be removed
_id = player addAction ["<t color='#C90000'>" + "Release" + "</t>", "addons\FAR_revive\FAR_handleAction.sqf", ["action_release"], 10];
player globalChat "Press ""C"" if you can't move.";
player selectWeapon primaryWeapon player;
// Drag & Carry animation fix
[] spawn
while {FAR_isDragging} do
_animState = animationState player;
if (_animState == "AcinPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_AcinPercMrunSrasWrflDnon" || _animState == "helper_switchtocarryrfl") then
[player, "AcinPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"] call switchMoveGlobal;
sleep 0.5;
// Wait until release action is used
waitUntil {!alive player || UNCONSCIOUS(player) || !alive _target || !UNCONSCIOUS(_target) || !FAR_isDragging || isNull DRAGGED_BY(_target)};
if (!isNull _target) then
detach _target;
_target setVariable ["FAR_draggedBy", nil, true];
FAR_isDragging = false;
player playMove format ["AmovPknlMstpSrasW%1Dnon", player call getMoveWeapon];
player removeAction _id;
call mf_compile;
FAR_Release =
FAR_isDragging = false;
call mf_compile;
// Event handler for public variables
FAR_public_EH =
if(count _this < 2) exitWith {};
_EH = _this select 0;
_value = _this select 1;
// FAR_isDragging
if (_EH == "FAR_isDragging_EH") then
_value setDir 180;
// FAR_deathMessage
if (_EH == "FAR_deathMessage") then
_names = _value select 0;
_unitName = _names select 0;
_killerName = [_names, 1] call BIS_fnc_param;
_unit = objectFromNetId (_value select 1);
if (alive _unit) then
if (isNil "_killerName") then
systemChat format ["%1 was injured", toString _unitName];
systemChat format ["%1 was injured by %2", toString _unitName, toString _killerName];
call mf_compile;
// Suicide Action Check
FAR_Check_Suicide =
call mf_compile;
// Dragging Action Check
FAR_Check_Dragging =
_target = cursorTarget;
if (isNull _target) exitWith {false};
// Make sure player is alive and target is an injured unit
if (!alive player || UNCONSCIOUS(player) || FAR_isDragging || isNil "_target" ||
{!alive _target || (!isPlayer _target && !FAR_Debugging) || (_target distance player > 2) || !isNull (_target getVariable ["FAR_treatedBy", objNull])}) exitWith
// Make sure target is unconscious
UNCONSCIOUS(_target) && !DRAGGED(_target)
call mf_compile;
// Stabilize Action Check
FAR_Check_Stabilize =
call FAR_Check_Dragging && {!STABILIZED(cursorTarget) && ({_x in ["FirstAidKit","Medikit"]} count items player > 0)}
call mf_compile;
// Revive Action Check
FAR_Check_Revive =
call FAR_Check_Dragging && IS_MEDIC(player)
call mf_compile;
// Deathblow Action
FAR_Deathblow =
private ["_target"];
_target = _this select 0;
//check if target is Unconscious - just to be sure
if ( UNCONSCIOUS(_target)) then
_target setdamage 1;
call mf_compile;
// Show Nearby Friendly Medics
FAR_IsFriendlyMedic =
IS_MEDIC(_this) && !UNCONSCIOUS(_this) && side _this == playerSide && {playerSide in [BLUFOR,OPFOR] || group _this == group player}
call mf_compile;
FAR_CheckFriendlies =
private ["_units", "_msg", "_medics", "_dir", "_cardinal"];
_units = player nearEntities ["AllVehicles", 1000];
_msg = "<t underline='true'>Nearby�medics</t>";
_medics = "";
if (alive _x && (_x != player) && (isPlayer _x || FAR_Debugging) && {_x call FAR_IsFriendlyMedic}) then
_dir = [player, _x] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_cardinal = switch (true) do
case (_dir >= 337.5): { "N" };
case (_dir >= 292.5): { "NW" };
case (_dir >= 247.5): { "W" };
case (_dir >= 202.5): { "SW" };
case (_dir >= 157.5): { "S" };
case (_dir >= 112.5): { "SE" };
case (_dir >= 67.5): { "E" };
case (_dir >= 22.5): { "NE" };
default { "N" };
_medics = _medics + format ["<br/>%1 - %2m %3", name _x, floor ((vehicle _x) distance player), _cardinal];
} forEach crew _x;
} forEach _units;
_msg + (if (_medics == "") then { "<br/>- none -" } else { _medics })
call mf_compile;
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