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Last active August 1, 2019 07:12
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pid-controller for moddable
* Copyright (c) 2019 Wilberforce
* pid-controller - Advanced PID controller based on the Arduino PID library
* Based on: Arduino PID Library - Version 1.0.1 by Brett Beauregard <[email protected]>
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Moddable Tech, Inc.
class PID {
constructor(dictionary) {
this._input = dictionary.input ? dictionary.input : 0;
this._setpoint = dictionary.setpoint ? dictionary.setpoint : 50;
this.outputLimits(dictionary.min_output, dictionary.max_output); // default output limits
this._sampleTime = dictionary.sampleTime ? dictionary.sampleTime : 100; // default Controller Sample Time is 0.1 seconds
this.tunings(dictionary.Kp, dictionary.Ki, dictionary.Kd);
this.lastTime = (new Date()).getTime() - this._sampleTime;
this.iTerm = 0;
this._output = 0;
this.mode = dictionary.mode ? dictionary.mode : 0; // Default to PID.MANUAL
* compute()
* This, as they say, is where the magic happens. This function should be called
* when inputs change. The function will decide for itself whether a new
* pid Output needs to be computed. returns true when the output is computed,
* false when nothing has been done.
compute(value) {
if (this._mode === PID.MANUAL) {
return false;
let now = (new Date()).getTime();
let timeChange = (now - this.lastTime);
if (timeChange >= this._sampleTime) {
// Compute all the working error variables
let input = this._input;
let error = this._setpoint - input;
this.iTerm += ( * error);
let dInput = input - this.lastInput;
// Compute PID Output
let output = ( * error + this.iTerm - this.kd * dInput) * this._mode;
// Clamp to range
if (output > this.outMax) {
output = this.outMax;
} else if (output < this.outMin) {
output = this.outMin;
this._output = output;
this.lastInput = input;
this.lastTime = now;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* tunings(...)
* This function allows the controller's dynamic performance to be adjusted.
* it's called automatically from the constructor, but tunings can also
* be adjusted on the fly during normal operation
tunings(Kp, Ki, Kd) {
if (Kp < 0 || Ki < 0 || Kd < 0) {
new Error("Terms must be postive");
this.dispKp = Kp;
this.dispKi = Ki;
this.dispKd = Kd;
this._sampleTimeInSec = (this._sampleTime) / 1000; = Kp; = Ki * this._sampleTimeInSec;
this.kd = Kd / this._sampleTimeInSec;
* sampleTime(...)
* sets the period, in Milliseconds, at which the calculation is performed
set sampleTime(value) {
if (value > 0) {
let ratio = value / (1.0 * this._sampleTime); *= ratio;
this.kd /= ratio;
this._sampleTime = Math.round(value);
* output( )
* Set output level if in manual mode
set output(value) {
if (this._mode === PID.MANUAL) {
new Error("Can't set output value in manual mode");
if (value > this.outMax) {
this._output = value;
} else if (value < this.outMin) {
value = this.outMin;
this._output = value;
* outputLimits(...)
* Set the min and max range of the output
outputLimits(min, max) {
if (min >= max) {
this.outMin = min;
this.outMax = max;
if (this._mode !== PID.MANUAL) {
if (this._output > this.outMax) {
this._output = this.outMax;
} else if (this._output < this.outMin) {
this._output = this.outMin;
if (this.iTerm > this.outMax) {
this.iTerm = this.outMax;
} else if (this.iTerm < this.outMin) {
this.iTerm = this.outMin;
* SetMode(...)
* PID.DIRECT - Direct acting process ( +Output leads to +Input, e.g heating )
* PID.REVERSE - Reverse acting process (+Output leads to -Input, e.g. Cooling )
* PID.MANUAL - controller does not adjust output, application does (Override type situation)
set mode(m) {
this._mode = m;
// do all the things that need to happen to ensure a bumpless transfer from manual to automatic mode.
this.iTerm = this._output;
this.lastInput = this._input;
if (this.iTerm > this.outMax) {
this.iTerm = this.outMax;
} else if (this.iTerm < this.outMin) {
this.iTerm = this.outMin;
get Kp() {
return this.dispKp;
get Kd() {
return this.dispKd;
get Ki() {
return this.dispKi;
get mode() {
return this._mode;
get output() {
return this._output;
get input() {
return this._input;
get setpoint() {
return this._setpoint;
set input(current_value) {
this._input = current_value;
set setpoint(current_value) {
this._setpoint = current_value;
export {
PID as
default, PID
"include": [
"modules": {
"*": "./main",
"PID": "./pid"
* Copyright (c) 2019 Wilberforce
* pid-controller - Advanced PID controller based on the Arduino PID library
* Based on: Arduino PID Library - Version 1.0.1 by Brett Beauregard <[email protected]>
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Moddable Tech, Inc.
class PID {
constructor(dictionary) {
this._input = dictionary.input ? dictionary.input : 0;
this._setpoint = dictionary.setpoint ? dictionary.setpoint : 50;
this.outputLimits(dictionary.min_output, dictionary.max_output); // default output limits
this._sampleTime = dictionary.setpoint ? dictionary.setpoint : 100; // default Controller Sample Time is 0.1 seconds
this.tunings(dictionary.Kp, dictionary.Ki, dictionary.Kd);
this.lastTime = (new Date()).getTime() - this._sampleTime;
this.iTerm = 0;
this._output = 0;
this.mode = dictionary.mode ? dictionary.mode : 0; // Default to PID.MANUAL
* compute()
* This, as they say, is where the magic happens. This function should be called
* when inputs change. The function will decide for itself whether a new
* pid Output needs to be computed. returns true when the output is computed,
* false when nothing has been done.
compute() {
if (this._mode === PID.MANUAL) {
return false;
let now = (new Date()).getTime();
let timeChange = (now - this.lastTime);
if (timeChange >= this._sampleTime) {
// Compute all the working error variables
let input = this._input;
let error = this._setpoint - input;
this.iTerm += ( * error);
let dInput = input - this.lastInput;
// Compute PID Output
let output = ( * error + this.iTerm - this.kd * dInput) * this._mode;
// Clamp to range
if (output > this.outMax) {
output = this.outMax;
} else if (output < this.outMin) {
output = this.outMin;
this._output = output;
this.lastInput = input;
this.lastTime = now;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* tunings(...)
* This function allows the controller's dynamic performance to be adjusted.
* it's called automatically from the constructor, but tunings can also
* be adjusted on the fly during normal operation
tunings(Kp, Ki, Kd) {
if (Kp < 0 || Ki < 0 || Kd < 0) {
new Error("Terms must be postive");
this.dispKp = Kp;
this.dispKi = Ki;
this.dispKd = Kd;
this._sampleTimeInSec = (this._sampleTime) / 1000; = Kp; = Ki * this._sampleTimeInSec;
this.kd = Kd / this._sampleTimeInSec;
* sampleTime(...)
* sets the period, in Milliseconds, at which the calculation is performed
set sampleTime(value) {
if (value > 0) {
let ratio = value / (1.0 * this._sampleTime); *= ratio;
this.kd /= ratio;
this._sampleTime = Math.round(value);
* output( )
* Set output level if in manual mode
set output(value) {
if (this._mode === PID.MANUAL) {
new Error("Can't set output value in manual mode");
if (value > this.outMax) {
this._output = value;
} else if (value < this.outMin) {
value = this.outMin;
this._output = value;
* outputLimits(...)
* Set the min and max range of the output
outputLimits(min, max) {
if (min >= max) {
this.outMin = min;
this.outMax = max;
if (this._mode !== PID.MANUAL) {
if (this._output > this.outMax) {
this._output = this.outMax;
} else if (this._output < this.outMin) {
this._output = this.outMin;
if (this.iTerm > this.outMax) {
this.iTerm = this.outMax;
} else if (this.iTerm < this.outMin) {
this.iTerm = this.outMin;
* SetMode(...)
* PID.DIRECT - Direct acting process ( +Output leads to +Input, e.g heating )
* PID.REVERSE - Reverse acting process (+Output leads to -Input, e.g. Cooling )
* PID.MANUAL - controller does not adjust output, application does (Override type situation)
set mode(m) {
this._mode = m;
// do all the things that need to happen to ensure a bumpless transfer from manual to automatic mode.
this.iTerm = this._output;
this.lastInput = this._input;
if (this.iTerm > this.outMax) {
this.iTerm = this.outMax;
} else if (this.iTerm < this.outMin) {
this.iTerm = this.outMin;
get Kp() {
return this.dispKp;
get Kd() {
return this.dispKd;
get Ki() {
return this.dispKi;
get mode() {
return this._mode;
get output() {
return this._output;
get input() {
return this._input;
get setpoint() {
return this._setpoint;
set input(current_value) {
this._input = current_value;
set setpoint(current_value) {
this._setpoint = current_value;
export {
PID as
default, PID
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