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Created April 29, 2019 03:11
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* Copyright (c) 2018 Moddable Tech, Inc.
* This file is part of the Moddable SDK.
* This work is licensed under the
* Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
* <>.
* or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866,
* Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
import Timer from "timer";
import Digital from "pins/digital";
import Monitor from "monitor";
import config from "mc/config";
import MDNS from "mdns";
import {WebThings, WebThing} from "webthings";
const HOSTNAMES = ["modled", "modledtoggle"];
class OnOffLight extends WebThing {
constructor(host) {
this.state = true;
get on() {
return this.state;
set on(state) {
trace(`State: ${state}\n`);
if (state == this.state) return;
this.state = state;
//application.distribute("onLightUpdate", state);
static get description() {
return {
"@context": "",
"@type": ["Light", "OnOffSwitch"],
name: "light",
description: "On/off light",
properties: {
on: {
type: "boolean",
description: "light state",
txt: "on"
let things;
function onHostname( hostname) {
trace(`Got hostname ${hostname}.\n`);
things = new WebThings(mdns);
let monitor1 = new Monitor({pin: config.button1_pin, mode: Digital.InputPullUp, edge: Monitor.Falling});
monitor1.onChanged = function() {
trace(`Button 1: state: ${}\n`);
function toggle() {
let old_state=things.things[0].instance["on"];
trace(`Old state: ${old_state}\n`);
if ( things ) {
things.things[0].instance["on"] = !old_state;
let count = 0;
Timer.repeat(() => {
trace(`repeat ${++count} \n`);
}, 15000);
let index=0;
let mdns = new MDNS({hostName: HOSTNAMES[index]}, (message, value) => {
switch (message) {
case 1:
if ("" !== value) onHostname(value);
case 2:
if (index < HOSTNAMES.length) {
trace(`Failed to get hostname ${value}...\n`);
return HOSTNAMES[index];
} else {
trace(`Failed to get a hostname. Stopping.\n`);
return -1;
// let state=0;
let led1 = new Digital({pin: config.led1_pin, mode: Digital.Output});
let keys = Object.keys(config);
keys.forEach(key => trace(`key: ${key}, value: ${config[key]}\n`));
"include": [
"modules": {
"*": [
"platforms": {
"esp32": {
"config": {
"led1_pin": 21,
"button1_pin": 0,
"modules": {
"*": "$(MODULES)/pins/digital/monitor/esp32/*",
"esp": {
"config": {
"led1_pin": 2,
"button1_pin": 0,
"modules": {
"*": "$(MODULES)/pins/digital/monitor/esp/*",
"...": {
"error": "need button and led pins"
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