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Created December 7, 2023 22:33
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
open import Agda.Builtin.Cubical.Path
open import Agda.Primitive.Cubical
cong : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} {x y : A} {B : A → Set ℓ} (f : (a : A) → B a) (p : x ≡ y)
→ PathP (λ i → B (p i)) (f x) (f y)
cong f p i = f (p i)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Fin
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Data.Bool
data Type : Set where
`Nat : Type
`Fun : Type -> Type -> Type
Value : Type -> Set
Value `Nat = ℕ
Value (`Fun A B) = Value A -> Value B
-- a little weird STLC model that only binds semantics values and not syntactic
-- values.
-- a stepping stone toward PHOAS
module STLC-ind where
data STLC : Type -> Set₁ where
var : ∀ {A} -> Value A -> STLC A
nlit : ℕ -> STLC `Nat
lam : ∀ {A B} ->
(Value A -> STLC B) ->
STLC (`Fun A B)
app : ∀ {A B} ->
(STLC (`Fun A B)) -> STLC A ->
module examples where
_ : STLC `Nat
_ = nlit 0
_ : STLC (`Fun `Nat `Nat)
_ = lam (λ x -> var x)
_ : STLC `Nat
_ = app (lam (λ x -> var x)) (nlit 5)
-- a little weird HIT version of STLC, where β is baked in.
module STLC-HIT where
data STLC : Type -> Set where
var : ∀ {A} -> (Value A) -> STLC A
nlit : ℕ -> STLC `Nat
lam : ∀ {A B} ->
(Value A -> STLC B) ->
STLC (`Fun A B)
app : ∀ {A B} ->
(STLC (`Fun A B)) -> STLC A ->
β : ∀ {A B} {f : Value A -> STLC B} {e} ->
(app (lam f) e) ≡ (f (eval e))
eval : ∀ {A} -> STLC A -> (Value A)
eval (var e) = e
eval (nlit x) = x
eval (lam e) = (λ a -> (eval (e a)))
eval (app e1 e2) = (eval e1) (eval e2)
eval (β {f = f} {e = e} i) = (eval (f (eval e)))
reflect : ∀ {A} -> Value A -> STLC A
reflect {`Nat} v = nlit v
reflect {`Fun A B} v = lam λ x → (reflect (v x))
normalize : ∀ {A} -> STLC A -> STLC A
normalize {A} e = (reflect (eval e))
-- huzzah I have my equational theory over my syntax from NbE.
-- The NbE only comes because I used semantic binding...
-- lets try binding syntax next
_ : (normalize (app (lam var) (nlit 5))) ≡ (nlit 5)
_ = cong normalize (β {f = var} {e = nlit 5})
module cubical-phoas where
-- uh oh. Moving Var to an index bumps up the universe level... that's going
-- to cause problems
data STLC : {Var : Type -> Set} -> Type -> Set₁ where
var : ∀ {A Var} -> (Var A) -> STLC {Var} A
nlit : ∀ {Var} -> ℕ -> STLC {Var} `Nat
lam : ∀ {Var A B} ->
(Var A -> STLC {Var} B) ->
STLC {Var} (`Fun A B)
app : ∀ {Var A B} ->
(STLC {Var} (`Fun A B)) -> STLC {Var} A ->
STLC {Var} B
-- This is certainly wrong.
-- I need to instantiate app's var to STLC {Var}.
-- The left side will have type STLC {STLC {Var}} but the right side has
-- type STLC {Var}.
-- it only appears to work if I leave the implicits unsolved
β : ∀ {Var f e} ->
(app (lam f) e) ≡ (f e)
_ : app (lam var) (nlit 5) ≡ (nlit 5)
_ = β
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