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Last active March 5, 2021 19:58
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Circuitpython Pimoroni rgbkeypad based on martinohanlon library - very easy to use
# From the example of martinohanlon at
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
from rgbkeypad import *
kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(kbd)
(0,0): ("volu",),
(1,0): ("mpc next",),
(2,0): ("rad4",),
(3,0): ("mpc next",),
(0,1): ("vold",),
(1,1): ("mpc prev",),
(2,1): ("rad3",),
(3,1): ("mpc prev",),
(0,2): ("toggle_disp1",),
(1,2): ("mpc stop",),
(2,2): ("rad2",),
(3,2): ("mpc stop",),
(0,3): ("sudo reboot",),
(1,3): ("mpc toggle",),
(2,3): ("rad1",),
(3,3): ("mpc toggle",)
def colorwheel(pos):
# Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
# The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
if pos < 0 or pos > 255:
return (0, 0, 0)
if pos < 85:
return (255 - pos * 3, pos * 3, 0)
if pos < 170:
pos -= 85
return (0, 255 - pos * 3, pos * 3)
pos -= 170
return (pos * 3, 0, 255 - pos * 3)
(0,0): colorwheel(0 * 16),
(1,0): colorwheel(1 * 16),
(2,0): colorwheel(2 * 16),
(3,0): colorwheel(3 * 16),
(0,1): colorwheel(4 * 16),
(1,1): colorwheel(5 * 16),
(2,1): colorwheel(6 * 16),
(3,1): colorwheel(7 * 16),
(0,2): colorwheel(8 * 16),
(1,2): colorwheel(9 * 16),
(2,2): colorwheel(10 * 16),
(3,2): colorwheel(11 * 16),
(0,3): colorwheel(12 * 16),
(1,3): colorwheel(13 * 16),
(2,3): colorwheel(14 * 16),
(3,3): colorwheel(15 * 16)
# what colors to use if an assigned/unassigned key is pressed
VALID_KEY_COLOR = (0, 0, 255)
INVALID_KEY_COLOR = (255, 0, 0)
keypad = RGBKeypad()
kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
while True:
# loop through all the keys
for key in keypad.keys:
# has a key been pressed?
if key.is_pressed():
# does this key have a keyboard mapping
if (key.x, key.y) in KEYBOARD_MAP.keys():
key.color = (KEYBOARD_COLOUR[(key.x, key.y)])
layout.write(*KEYBOARD_MAP[(key.x, key.y)])
key.color = (0,0,0)
# what for the key to be released
while key.is_pressed():
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