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Created October 25, 2015 07:49
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[NTNU 104_1] VLSI HW1 - MAX
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity MAX_gate is
A,B,C : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
A_max,B_max,C_max : out Bit
end MAX_gate;
architecture MAX_arch of MAX_gate is
process (A,B,C)
if (A>B) and (B>C) then
A_max <= '1';
B_max <= '0';
C_max <= '0';
elsif (A>C) and (C>B) then
A_max <= '1';
B_max <= '0';
C_max <= '0';
elsif (A>C) and (B=C) then
A_max <= '1';
B_max <= '0';
C_max <= '0';
elsif (B>A) and (A>C) then
A_max <= '0';
B_max <= '1';
C_max <= '0';
elsif (B>C) and (C>A) then
A_max <= '0';
B_max <= '1';
C_max <= '0';
elsif (B>C) and (A=C) then
A_max <= '0';
B_max <= '1';
C_max <= '0';
elsif (C>A) and (A>B) then
A_max <= '0';
B_max <= '0';
C_max <= '1';
elsif (C>B) and (B>A) then
A_max <= '0';
B_max <= '0';
C_max <= '1';
elsif (C>A) and (A=B) then
A_max <= '0';
B_max <= '0';
C_max <= '1';
A_max <= '0';
B_max <= '0';
C_max <= '0';
end if;
end process;
end MAX_arch;
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