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Created February 28, 2024 13:42
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Prompt for making multilang SBAs for Moodle with a natural language description of the questions
I need you to create multiple choice questions in Moodle's XML format, and I need to make them bilingual, written both in English and in Finnish, according to this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- question: 6408196 -->
<question type="multichoice">
<text>Land's End - land ownership</text>
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Based on the text, what is a significant concern regarding the indigenous highlanders and land ownership?</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Tekstin perusteella, mikä on merkittävä huolenaihe alkuperäiskansojen ylänköasukkaiden ja maanomistuksen suhteen?</span>]]></text>
<answer fraction="0">
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Indigenous highlanders are aggressively expanding their land ownership.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Alkuperäisasukkaat ovat aggressiivisesti laajentamassa maanomistustaan.</span>]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Incorrect. The text does not suggest aggressive expansion by the highlanders.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Väärin. Teksti ei viittaa siihen, että ylänköasukkaat laajentaisivat maanomistustaan aggressiivisesti.</span>]]></text>
<answer fraction="0">
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Indigenous highlanders are indifferent to land ownership issues.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Alkuperäisasukkaat ovat välinpitämättömiä maanomistuskysymyksiin nähden.</span>]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Incorrect. The text does not imply indifference; it highlights concern.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Väärin. Teksti ei vihjaa välinpitämättömyyteen; se korostaa huolta.</span>]]></text>
<answer fraction="100">
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Indigenous highlanders joined the ranks of those unable to sustain themselves on their land.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Alkuperäiskansojen ylänköasukkaat liittyivät niihin, jotka eivät kykene elättämään itseään omalla maallaan.</span>]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Correct. The text indicates that indigenous highlanders are unable to sustain themselves, leading to concerns about land ownership.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Oikein. Teksti osoittaa, että alkuperäisasukkaat eivät kykene elättämään itseään, mikä johtaa huoliin maanomistuksesta.</span>]]></text>
<answer fraction="0">
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Indigenous highlanders have started renting out their land for profit.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Alkuperäisasukkaat ovat alkaneet vuokrata maataan voiton tavoittelemiseksi.</span>]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[<span lang="en" class="multilang">Incorrect. The text does not mention renting out land as a widespread practice.</span><span lang="fi" class="multilang">Väärin. Tekstissä ei mainita maan vuokraamista yleisenä käytäntönä.</span>]]></text>
Make similar multilingual questions in Moodle's XML from these questions:
name: dumont and substantivism
1. Which theoretic debate related to exchange is, according to Graeber, continued by the Dumont school?
A.) Materialism vs idealism
B.) Structuralism vs poststructuralism
C.) Substantivism vs Formalism. (correct) (feedback: Graber argues that Dumont's followers continue the substantivist tradition of economic anthropology)
name: carrier and moral economy
1. How James Carrier is defining “moral economy” in his text Moral Economy: What’s in a Name?
A. One should consider the moral significance of one's personal consumption.
B. The way people and their relationships are part of the economic transactions, with their obligations towards one another. (correct)
C. When economic transactions start having a noticeable impact on the environment.
D. The moral consequences of production in any economic system. (feedback: Not quite correct. While Carrier talks about morality, he argues that the concept generally refers to the social relationships and obligations in economic transactions.)
name: laura bear and critical political economy.
1. Why does Laura Bear propose the need for creating a critical political economy of capitalist time?
A) To emphasize the significance of secular humanism in economic analysis
B) To challenge conventional economics and to make anthropology and anthropologists engage in wider discussions about inequality and accumulation (CORRECT ANSWER)
C) To emphasize the importance of ethical analysis over economic analysis
D) To advocate for a complete separation of anthropology from public discourse
name: ferguson and tsing
1. Both Ferguson and Tsing challenge the productivist understanding of capitalism and explore the hopes and possibilities for people living in a precarious life seemingly outside of the capitalist system. What are the differences between their arguments?
A) Ferguson argues that it is increasingly difficult for everyone to participate in capitalist production. Tsing argues that capitalist production depends on spaces that are outside the capitalist logic of production. (correct)
B) Ferguson argues that participation in capitalist production is becoming impossible. Tsing argues that everything is subsumed to the logic of capitalist production.
C) Ferguson argues that capitalist production is no longer viable. Tsing argues that capitalist production dominates all economic activity.
D) They have no differences - both argue that capitalist production subsumes all other forms of economic activity.
name: the dual nature of money
1. What aspect of money's nature does the conflict between centralized state control and decentralized commerce highlight?
A. The challenges of international regulation
B. The dual function of money (correct)
C. The role of technology in monetary transactions
D. The value of currency as a balancing factor
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