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Created June 29, 2014 09:04
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Example of using reflect package in golang
package main
import (
func main() {
var nano car = car{5}
var donkey animal
var what somethingMakesCommon
what = &donkey
fmt.Printf("\nAnimal %v", donkey)
fmt.Printf("\nCar %v", nano)
fmt.Printf("\nSomeInterface %v", what)
cntr = reflect.TypeOf(what).NumMethod()
fmt.Printf("\n No. of methods %v", cntr)
obj := reflect.ValueOf(what)
for i := 0; i < cntr; i++ {
methodstr := reflect.TypeOf(what).Method(i).Name
nargs := reflect.TypeOf(what).Method(i).Type.NumIn()
fmt.Printf("\n Name of the method %v", methodstr)
fmt.Printf("\n No. of Arguments of the method %v is %#v", methodstr, nargs-1)
fmt.Printf("\n No. of Arguments of the method %v is %v", methodstr, reflect.TypeOf(what).Method(i))
//fmt.Printf("\nIs valid to call %v", reflect.ValueOf(what).Method(i).IsValid())
fmt.Printf(" ... Szzz trying to call ")
// in := make([]reflect.Value, nargs)
nargs = obj.Method(i).Type().NumIn()
args := make([]reflect.Value, nargs)
// args[0].SetInt(5)
for j := 0; j < nargs; j++ {
var para int = 5
args[j] = reflect.ValueOf(para)
// fmt.Printf("\n ARG %v", reflect.TypeOf(what).Method(i).Type.In(j))
// // reflect.TypeOf(what).Method(i).Type.In(j) = 5
// args[j] = reflect.ValueOf(what).Method(i)
outvals := reflect.ValueOf(what).Method(i).Call(args)
fmt.Printf(".. Worked ?? Output of %s", methodstr)
for indx, val := range outvals {
fmt.Printf("\n OUTPUT %d : %v", indx, val.Interface())
// fmt.Printf(
type somethingMakesCommon interface {
Bark(int) []string
type car struct {
wheels int
func (c *car) Bark(times int) []string {
for i := 0; i < times; i++ {
return []string{"Tata", "Motors"}
func (c car) Sleep() {
fmt.Printf("----I can sleep by turn off---")
func (a animal) Sleep() {
fmt.Printf("---I can sleep---")
func (a *animal) Bark(times int) []string {
for i := 0; i < times; i++ {
return []string{"meow"}
type animal struct {
legs int
tail float32
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qiukeren commented May 7, 2016

cntr = reflect.TypeOf(what).NumMethod() errors

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