Default prefix: <ctrl>b
tmux new -s session_name
- creates a new tmux session namedsession_name
tmux a
- attach to first available sessiontmux attach -t session_name
- attaches to an existing tmux session namedsession_name
tmux switch -t session_name
- switches to an existing session namedsession_name
- `tmux ls, ,s - lists existing tmux sessions
tmux detach, <prefix>,d
- detach the currently attached sessiontmux kill-session -t session-name
- rename session
- create a new window<prefix>,n
- next window<prefix>,p
- prev window<prefix>,0-9
- move to the window based on index<prefix>,,
- rename the current window<prefix>,w
- list windows<prefix>,"
- splits into two vertical panes<prefix>,%
- splits into two horizontal panes
- swaps pane with another in the specified direction<prefix>,{up,down,left,right}
- selects the next pane in the specified direction<prefix>,q
- show pane numbers<prefix>,o
- toggle between panes<prefix>,}
- swap with next pane<prefix>,{
- swap with previous pane<prefix>,z
- toggle maximising current pane<prefix>,!
- break the pane out of the window<prefix>,x
- kill the current panetmux select-pane -t :.+
- selects the next pane in numerical order<prefix>,t
- show the time in current pane<prefix>,<ctrl>{left,right,up,down}
- resize pane<prefix>,space
- swap between default layouts (e.g. switch from vertical split to horizontal)
tmux list-keys
- lists out every bound key and the tmux command it runstmux list-commands
- lists out every tmux command and its argumentstmux info
- lists out every session, window, pane, its pid, etc.tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
- reload config file<prefix>,q
- exit scroll mode<prefix>,PgUp
- scroll up
- enter scroll/copy modespace
- start copying from cursor positionenter
- stop copying from cursor position<prefix>,]
- paste