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Created May 23, 2017 04:47
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Type-safe unit conversion with composite units
* Based on Ben Trengrove's example:
package units
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
abstract class Unit(val suffix: String, val ratio: Double) {
internal fun convertToBaseUnit(amount: Double) = amount * ratio
internal fun convertFromBaseUnit(amount: Double) = amount / ratio
override fun toString() = suffix
* For units after division, A/B
class QuotientUnit<A: Unit, B: Unit>(a: A, b: B):
Unit("$a/$b", a.ratio / b.ratio)
* Creates a QuotientUnit using the division operator, eg Mile / Hour
operator fun <A: Unit, B: Unit> A.div(other: B) = QuotientUnit(this, other)
* For units after multiplication
class ProductUnit<A: Unit, B: Unit>(a: A, b: B):
Unit("$a.$b", a.ratio * b.ratio)
* Create a ProductUnit using multiplication operator, eg Metre * Metre for area
operator fun <A: Unit, B: Unit> A.times(other: B) = ProductUnit(this, other)
* A quantity with a unit type
class Quantity<T: Unit>(val amount: Double, val unit: T): Comparable<Quantity<T>> {
* Convert this type into another compatible type.
* Type must share parent
* (eg Mile into Kilometer, because they both are made from Distance)
infix fun <A: T> into(unit: A): Quantity<A> {
val baseUnit = this.unit.convertToBaseUnit(amount)
return Quantity(unit.convertFromBaseUnit(baseUnit), unit)
* Add another compatible quantity to this one
operator fun plus(quantity: Quantity<T>): Quantity<T> {
val converted = quantity.into(unit).amount
return Quantity(this.amount + converted, this.unit)
* Subtract a compatible quantity from this one
operator fun minus(quantity: Quantity<T>): Quantity<T> {
val converted = quantity.into(unit).amount
return Quantity(this.amount - converted, this.unit)
* Divide this by another compatible quantity, gives back a ratio of the sizes
operator fun div(other: Quantity<T>) = unit.convertToBaseUnit(amount) / other.unit.convertToBaseUnit(other.amount)
* Divide this by an incompatible quantity, creating a Quantity<QuotientUnit<T, R>>
operator fun <R: Unit> div(quantity: Quantity<R>) = Quantity(amount / quantity.amount, unit / quantity.unit)
* Multiply this by a quantity to get a product quantity, Quantity<ProductQuantity<T, R>>
operator fun <R: Unit> times(quantity: Quantity<R>) = Quantity(amount * quantity.amount, unit * quantity.unit)
* Multiply this by a scalar value, used for things like "double this distance",
* "1.5 times the speed", etc
operator fun times(other: Number) = Quantity(amount * other.toDouble(), unit)
* Divide this by a scalar, used for things like "halve the speed"
operator fun div(other: Number) = Quantity(amount / other.toDouble(), unit)
* Compare this value with another quantity - which must have the same type
* Units are converted before comparison
override fun compareTo(other: Quantity<T>): Int {
return this.into(other.unit).amount.compareTo(other.amount)
* Check if quantities are equal, not sure if there's a nicer way of checking this
* partly due to type erasure
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return this === other || (other is Quantity<*> &&
other.unit.javaClass == unit.javaClass &&
unit.convertToBaseUnit(amount) == other.unit.convertToBaseUnit(other.amount))
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return unit.convertFromBaseUnit(amount).hashCode()
override fun toString(): String {
return "$amount ${unit.suffix}"
* Helpers for converting numbers into quantities
infix fun <T: Unit> Number.into(unit: T) = Quantity(this.toDouble(), unit)
operator fun <T: Unit> Number.times(unit: T) = this into unit
operator fun <T: Unit> T.times(value: Number) = value into this
operator fun <T: Unit> T.invoke(value: Number) = value into this
* Inverse of Quantity.times(value: Number)
* Haven't implemented division due to no reciprocal unit
operator fun <T: Unit> Number.times(quantity: Quantity<T>) = quantity * this
open class Distance(suffix: String, ratio: Double): Unit(suffix, ratio) {
companion object {
val Mile = Distance("mi", 1.60934 * 1000.0)
val Kilometer = Distance("km", 1000.0)
val Meter = Distance("m", 1.0)
val Centimeter = Distance("cm", 0.1)
val Millimeter = Distance("mm", 0.01)
open class Time(suffix: String, ratio: Double): Unit(suffix, ratio) {
companion object {
val Hour = Time("h", TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1L).toDouble())
val Minute = Time("m", TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1L).toDouble())
val Second = Time("s", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1L).toDouble())
val Millisecond = Time("ms", 1.0)
open class Mass(suffix: String, ratio: Double): Unit(suffix, ratio) {
companion object {
val Gram = Mass("g", 1.0)
val Kilogram = Mass("kg", 1000.0)
val Tonne = Mass("t", 1000 * 1000.0)
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