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Bare Metal IPMI for VMs with Virtual BMC

Simulate Bare-Metal IPMI for VMs in RHEL8 Libvirt

  • Install the Virtual BMC package in the machine to use as the vBMC server. Note1: When using OpenStack repos the python3-virtualbmc RPM might be available. These instrucctions do not use that package.

    pip3 install virtualbmc
    • The vBMC server can be running in any machine. When using a remote libvirt server it is recommended to have passwordless authentication from the vBMC server to the libvirt machines.
    • For this document the vBMC Server export vBMCServerIP=
  • For each libvirt server, identify the exact names of the VMs to configure in the vBMC.

    # virsh list --all
     Id    Name                           State
     7     rhcos-aio                      shut off
     8     ocp4-master-0                  shut off
     9     ocp4-master-1                  shut off
     10    ocp4-master-2                  shut off
     11    ocp4-worker-0                  shut off
     12    ocp4-worker-1                  shut off
     13    ocp4-worker-2                  shut off
     14    ocp4-bootstrap                shut off
  • The format for the vBMC server is as follows:

    $ vbmc add -h
    usage: vbmc add [-h] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--port PORT]
                    [--address ADDRESS] [--libvirt-uri LIBVIRT_URI]
                    [--libvirt-sasl-username LIBVIRT_SASL_USERNAME]
                    [--libvirt-sasl-password LIBVIRT_SASL_PASSWORD]
    Create a new BMC for a virtual machine instance
    positional arguments:
    domain_name           The name of the virtual machine
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --username USERNAME   The BMC username; defaults to "admin"
    --password PASSWORD   The BMC password; defaults to "password"
    --port PORT           Port to listen on; defaults to 623
    --address ADDRESS     The address to bind to (IPv4 and IPv6 are supported);
                            defaults to ::
    --libvirt-uri LIBVIRT_URI
                            The libvirt URI; defaults to "qemu:///system"
    --libvirt-sasl-username LIBVIRT_SASL_USERNAME
                            The libvirt SASL username; defaults to None
    --libvirt-sasl-password LIBVIRT_SASL_PASSWORD
                            The libvirt SASL password; defaults to None
    • An essential parameters is the libvirt-uri:
      • When using local libvirt server the default syntax is --libvirt-uri qemu:///system <name-of-vm>
      • When using remote libvirt server with SSH key authentication use the syntax --libvirt-uri qemu+ssh://root@<remote-libvirt-server>/system <name-of-vm>
    • The --port parameter must be different for each VM using the same vBMC server IP ${vBMCServerIP}. To map multiple vBMC to the same IP address, increase the listening port for each VM.
  • Example using local libvirt:

# export vBMCServerIP=

vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6230 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system ocp4-bootstrap
vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6231 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system ocp4-master-0
vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6232 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system ocp4-master-1
vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6233 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system ocp4-master-2
vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6234 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system ocp4-worker-0
vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6235 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system ocp4-worker-1
vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6236 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system ocp4-worker-2

# vbmc list
| Domain name    | Status | Address      | Port |
| ocp4-bootstrap | down   | | 6230 |
| ocp4-master-0  | down   | | 6231 |
| ocp4-master-1  | down   | | 6232 |
| ocp4-master-2  | down   | | 6233 |
| ocp4-worker-0  | down   | | 6234 |
| ocp4-worker-1  | down   | | 6235 |
| ocp4-worker-2  | down   | | 6236 |

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=6230-6250/udp
firewall-cmd --reload

Note: Increase the listening port to map multiple vBMC to the same address

  • Using vBMC to start/stop a VM
# vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6250 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system rhcos-aio

# vbmc start rhcos-aio
2020-01-02 10:58:02,223.223 10797 INFO VirtualBMC [-] Started vBMC instance for domain rhcos-aio

# vbmc list
| Domain name    | Status  | Address      | Port |
| rhcos-aio      | running | | 6250 |

# vbmc stop rhcos-aio
2020-01-02 10:58:14,254.254 10797 INFO VirtualBMC [-] Terminated vBMC instance for domain rhcos-aio

#vbmc list
| Domain name    | Status | Address      | Port |
| rhcos-aio      | down   | | 6250 |


  • Using ipmitool to start/stop a VM
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=6250/udp
firewall-cmd --reload

export vBMCServerIP=

vbmc add --username admin --password password --port 6250 --address ${vBMCServerIP} --libvirt-uri qemu:///system rhcos-aio

ipmitool -vv -I lanplus -H ${vBMCServerIP} -p 6250 -U admin -P password chassis status

ipmitool -I lanplus -H ${vBMCServerIP} -p6250 -Uadmin -Ppassword chassis power on

ipmitool -I lanplus -H ${vBMCServerIP} -p6250 -Uadmin -Ppassword chassis status

ipmitool -I lanplus -H ${vBMCServerIP} -p6250 -Uadmin -Ppassword chassis power off

Sample virtualbmc.conf

Using a custom virtualbmc.conf path export VIRTUALBMC_CONFIG=~/vbmc/virtualbmc.conf

Sample virtualbmc.conf

show_passwords = true
# default 50891
server_port = 12345
# server_spawn_wait default 3000 milliseconds
server_spawn_wait = 3000
# server_response_timeout default 5000 milliseconds
server_response_timeout = 5000
config_dir = /root/vbmc
pid_file = /root/vbmc/

debug = true 
logfile = /root/vbmc/vbmc.log

# default 1 seconds
session_timeout = 30

Running vbmcd as foreground service (for troubleshooting)

vbmcd --foreground

Testing OpenShift Bare-Metal IPI


  • Thanks to Benjamin Schmaus for the original pointers on how to configure virtual BMC for VMs.
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thanks, great post.

For vbmc - I used the systemd unit from here :
I put the config file in /etc/, then made a small change in the unit file :
ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/vbmcd --foreground

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